Entries with tag dental health .

ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
09 Tach 2015 - 09:44
Guardian network article - Monday 5th October Brighton and Hove is addressing its sweet tooth by becoming the first British city to introduce a voluntary “sugar tax”. The local council is calling on food and drink shops to impose a 10p surcharge on all sugary soft beverages, with the proceeds to be put into a children’s health and food education trust. Schools across the city are joining... Gweld mwy
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ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
02 Gorff 2015 - 12:02
The Child Dental Health Survey 2013, England, Wales and Northern Ireland report was published on 19 March 2015 as is available on the HSCIC website: http://www.hscic.gov.uk/pubs/ChildDentalHealth. The CDHS in 2013 involved around 10,000 children aged 5, 8, 12 and 15 years-old across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. All children had a dental examination, and their parents were asked to fill... Gweld mwy
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ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
20 Ion 2015 - 13:10
The Public Health England, Dental Public Health Intelligence Programme supports the collection, analysis and dissemination of reliable and robust information on the oral health needs of local populations. This includes newly published (January 2015) results of the survey of three-year-old children 2013. The summary report and associated tables present the results of... Gweld mwy
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