Entries with tag lg inform .

ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:18
Public Health England's INHALE data tool aims to help commissioners assess the impact of respiratory disease on local populations, assess variation and identify the services required to meet those needs. INHALE is intended to provide a single source of data on the burden of, and quality of care for respiratory disease in England. It takes into account the work of the Lung and Asthma... Gweld mwy
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null 2348 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 12:54
A seminar on the findings of the latest Health Survey for England (HSE) report is being held on Thursday 15 May 2014, 2-5pm.  This is at the UCL (University College London), Basement Lecture Theatre, 1-19 Torrington Place, London WC1E 6BT. Please email b.carter-szatynska@ucl.ac.uk  if you would like to attend. The HSE is an annual survey of a... Gweld mwy
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null 4191 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:02
Peterborough has developed a Public Health Visual Modelling site that provides a good example of how visual information about health and wellbeing and factors that affect it can be used to good effect. The materials on this website are the results of a pioneering project that allows experts from a range of Peterborough City Council departments and other partners to collate their evidence... Gweld mwy
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null 1841 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:08
Our new web page for health and wellbeing information provides links to several data and information resources for health and wellbeing boards and their partners. If there are further resources you would like to see signposted from this page please let us know by emailing philippa.lynch@local.gov.uk or by adding comments on this post. Gweld mwy
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ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 12:54
The Child Health Profiles 2014, were published on 19 March 2014 by Public Health England (PHE). The profiles present a picture of child health and wellbeing for each local authority in England using 32 key health indicators which help local organisations work in partnership to improve health in their local area. They contain data on a wide range of issues about and affecting child... Gweld mwy
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null 2670 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:39
  Local Cancer Statistics Use Local Cancer Statistics to find and compare statistical information and intelligence about cancer in areas across the UK. This tool includes data on cancer incidence, survival and mortality, early diagnosis, screening and smoking. The data comes from a number of publicly available sources in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and links are... Gweld mwy
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null 2035 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:02
Older people lack digital skills to access new health services (Article taken from Digital by Default News, 18 March 2014) Older people are the biggest users of health and care services, with the average NHS spend for retired households nearly double that for non-retired households. But many lack the skills to take advantage of changes in the way healthcare is being delivered, warns Digital... Gweld mwy
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null 1252 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:32
Deadly Hospitals?  Broadcast on Tuesday 25 Feb 14 Duration: 38 mins File on Four podcast What do death rates really tell us about the quality of care in your hospital? Gerry Northam has been investigating concerns that mortality statistics are not telling us the whole story.   Gweld mwy
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null 1589 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:39
The Local Authority packs present high-level comparative information on the NHS, the Adult Social Care and the Public Health frameworks. NHS England have revised and updated the packs at Local Authority level and set out key data to inform the local position on outcomes. The purpose of these is to provide Health and Wellbeing (HWB) partners with a quick and easy-to-use summary of... Gweld mwy
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ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 12:55
The Health Survey for England is being carried out by NatCen Social Research and University College London (UCL) on behalf of the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). NatCen are keen to increase local authority awareness of the survey, for instances when members of the public may get in touch to question its credibility. They have asked us to share some information about the... Gweld mwy
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null 3025 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:08
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has today published the Abuse of Vulnerable Adults in England 2012-13 - Final Report . The related data and standard reports are now publicly available on the National Adult Social Care Intelligence Service (NASCIS). This Final 2012-13 AVA data supersedes the previous 2012-13 AVA data that was made available via NASCIS in October 2013 on a... Gweld mwy
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null 3204 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:08
New data has been added to the Local Tobacco Profiles for England. An update for February 2014 includes the latest data for the two smoking prevalence indicators (2012) and smoking status at the time of delivery (2012/13). More recent data are now available for lung and oral cancer incidence (2009-11), and deaths from lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (2010-12). All... Gweld mwy
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ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:08
On 4th February 2014, Public Health England (PHE) released new local authority level data on excess weight in adults aged 16 and over. The measure reports the percentage of adults classified as overweight or obese and supports a new indicator in the Public Health Outcomes Framework. Data is available for all local authorities in England. To view a spreadsheet containing... Gweld mwy
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null 3310 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:32
On January 28, 2014 the Health and Social Care Information Centre released the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Attendance data for 2012-13, taken from Hospital Episode Statistics. This is the 6th annual publication of the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Attendance data within Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES). It covers the period April 2012 to March 2013 and draws on just over 18... Gweld mwy
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null 1835 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:08
The new, yet to be launched, Mental Health and Wellbeing Intelligence Network led by Public Health England is starting to shape some work around information and resources for health and wellbeing. Part of the initial phase is to find out what work is being carried out already around measuring wellbeing, for example, information, tools and survey questions in use; planning and... Gweld mwy
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null 2126 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:18
Public Health England’s Longer Lives website makes England’s mortality data accessible to everyone.  Launched in 2013 it provides clear visualisation of data on premature deaths across local authorities in England, focusing on the four most common causes of mortality in England – heart disease and stroke, lung disease, liver disease, and cancer. Longer lives highlights inequalities in... Gweld mwy
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null 1 Sylwadau
null 2201 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:18
The Health and Social Care Information Centre published the Health Survey for England 2012 main report this morning. The report and tables are available on the HSCIC website: Main Report Trend Tables   To engage more with the general public and participants in findings from the Health Survey for England the HSCIC are developing their data visualisation capacity and... Gweld mwy
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null 0 Sylwadau
null 3723 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:18
National Child Measurement Programme - England, 2012-13 school year data is now available. On 11 December 2013 the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) released a report summarising the key findings from the Government’s National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for England, 2012-13 school year. The report provides high-level analysis of the prevalence of ‘underweight’,... Gweld mwy
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null 2693 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 15:39
Data for healthy life expectancy at birth (2009-2011) and disability free life expectancy at 65 (2007-09) is now available through LG Inform. Healthy life expectancy at birth for males and females is reported for single tier and county authority level for the period 2009-2011. Disability free life expectancy for males and females is reported at single tier and district level for the period... Gweld mwy
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null 1586 golygfeydd
ysgrifennodd bost blog arall
12 Gorff 2014 - 13:09
The Health and Social Care Information Centre have published measures from the  Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF), England 2012-13, Final Release at: http://www.hscic.gov.uk/pubs/adusoccareof1213fin  This report contains the final figures for all of the 2012-13 ASCOF measures for England. It supersedes the provisional ASCOF release in July 2013 and provides further... Gweld mwy
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null 4305 golygfeydd