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CIL in advance of Local Plan

Former Member, Addaswyd 8 Years yn ôl.

CIL in advance of Local Plan

Hi there, I wonder if you could help with this one...

Recently DCLG highlighted the fact that it is possible to take a CIL charging schedule forward ahead of a Local Plan being adopted.

The PAS advice states that there is no legal issue with this as long as the charging schedule is based on robust evidence and is clear on the quantum of development being planned for.

If therefore a CIL charging schedule goes ahead of a Local Plan, how is it possible to be definite about the quantum of development as this is something that is yet to be tested through the Local Plan EiP process?  Furthermore, prior to a Local Plan being adopted, it is not possible to know exact location of strategic sites which may require a different charge.

Are there any examples of CIL charging schedules going through to Examination prior to a Local Plan being adopted (especially, if the Local Plan is at an advanced stage).  I would be most grateful if I could be pointed in the direction of some examples/Inspectors reports on this issue. Or advice most welcome!

Many thanks,


Former Member, Addaswyd 8 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL in advance of Local Plan

Hi Nicki,


We've had our CIL charges approved in advance of our local plan, and will commence charging in January. All docs are available at


Our plan is quite advanced (had our hearing and will consult on Inspector's modifications later this year) and we also have a clearly defined SUE so this has helped.


The Inspector was clear in his report that although it's ideal to take your plan and CIL through together, there's nothing in the regs which stops the CIL in advance of the local plan. I also think Hounslow have approval to commence CIL before their local plan, and they're possibly already charging?


My details are on the web page, so happy to chat if you need.


Thanks, Hayley

Former Member, Addaswyd 8 Years yn ôl.

RE: CIL in advance of Local Plan


We have just commenced charging. You may find some of the comments made by the Examiner and in our Response to the Examiner's Questions helpful. See
