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Latest stats are out

Richard Crawley, Addaswyd 7 Years yn ôl.

Latest stats are out

Expert Postiadau: 256 Dyddiad Ymuno: 07/12/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

Stats have just been published by DCLG. Only one more quarter to go, and that is almost over (to end of September). 

I've updated the "designation crystal ball" - we'll be in contact if we think you're near the bar. 

My own personal opinion, based on how the numbers of councils look, is that non-majors will be at 60%. 

That would mean about 6 councils getting designated for majors, and another handful for non-majors. Any higher than that and PINS would start to get a bit nervous, I reckon. 

All guesswork, might not happen, but sensible to act as though it's all definite.