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Setting Housing Requirements for Designated Neighbourhood Areas

Karen Eastley, Addaswyd 3 Years yn ôl.

Setting Housing Requirements for Designated Neighbourhood Areas

New Member Postiadau: 5 Dyddiad Ymuno: 20/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar

Paragraph 65 of the NPPF sets out that strategic plan-making authorities should establish a housing requirement figure for their whole area. It goes on to indicate that strategic policies should set out a housing requirement for designated neighbourhood areas which reflects the overall strategy for the pattern and scale of development and any relevant allocations.


We would be grateful if any local planning authorities could share information on the method / approach / options they have taken to doing this through their recent or emerging draft local plans, including whether you have considered different scenarios for distributing numbers to designated neighbourhood areas. Also, how are you dealing with the circumstance if some but not all of your area is currently designated (but perhaps more areas will be designated in the future)?