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Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund webinar - 10th December

Rebecca Moberly, Addaswyd 2 Years yn ôl.

Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund webinar - 10th December

New Member Postiadau: 23 Dyddiad Ymuno: 31/03/2021 Bostiadau diweddar

Ecosystems Knowledge Network have asked us to share this webinar on a funding opportunity for local government.

Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund Round 2 - introductory session for local government

Free webinar, 10 am, December 10th 2021

An opportunity to learn about a fund designed to support investment readiness for environmental restoration projects, with input from Abundance Investment and East Devon Council. Local government organisations in England are eligible to apply to the fund with projects up to £100K.  For more details, and to register for the webinar, visit