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Sourcing sites for SHELAAs and Local Plans - how wide to 'cast the net'?

Laura Chamberlain, Addaswyd 2 Years yn ôl.

Sourcing sites for SHELAAs and Local Plans - how wide to 'cast the net'?

New Member Postiadau: 6 Dyddiad Ymuno: 14/11/2016 Bostiadau diweddar


Would be interested to hear people's views and experience in sourcing site options for SHELAAs and for the Local Plan process. The PPG is clear that we should cast the net wide and look for sites from a wide range of sources. Also conscious of the need to make sure any reasonable alternatives are considered for SA/SEA purposes.

However when the resourcing reality of assessing a huge raft of possible sites hits , we can't help wonder if there is a more proportionate, but still 'sound' approach, especially in the context of not needing all that many new sites given existing supply.

Would be interested to hear from any LPAs who have effectively started with a 'clean slate' of site options in their Local Plan Reviews based on existing allocations, commitments and then just newly submitted sites through Call for Sites exercises, and conversely LPAs who have considered that all known possible site sources should be brought into the process, even if not recently submitted, for example sites considered in historic plan making exercises.


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