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S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site provisio

Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site provisio

Has anyone experience of requiring all residential sites regardless of size to provide a contribution to affordable housing. We are looking to introduce a policy which requires even sites of 1 dwelling to at least make a contribution to an housing enabling fund. Would be grateful of any experience or even if anyone has tried and failed.
Jo Witherden, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

Enthusiast Postiadau: 33 Dyddiad Ymuno: 21/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
You may want to talk to Bournemouth Borough Council, as they have had some experience in this.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

Sounds like an excellent development prevention plan to me. I deal with S106 on a daily basis, mainly removing them although at times I do get involved in negotiation of new agreements and renegotiation of existing ones. I prefer to wait until the 5 years is up before taking them apart but some people either have little patience or are unable to build what they have received permission for, in many cases on single dwellings the price the LPA expects the house to be sold for an 'affordable dwelling' is tens of £thousands less than what it costs to build and of because the lender will only offer 80% of the reduced selling price compounds the problem. The huge variation in demands from various LPAs is a postcode lottery which needs to be addressed because it is making a mockery of the main purpose of the legislation. In extreme case such as the Snowdonia National Park they demand £60,000 in 'commuted sum' for a single plot, in Shropshire it is £8,000, quite a difference! It is obviously a case of some planning directors having completely lost the 'plot' so to speak. If anyone wants to explore how we can make these developer contributions work in practice they are welcome to have a chat. My main concern is using this legislation to specify who can live in a dwelling and how much a dwelling can be sold for, this doesn't work in practice and can expose the LPA to a claim for damages. After a few years of research the Scottish Government decided last November to stop using S106 to control occupancy apart from exeptional cases so perhaps the rest of the UK will follow. Policy on the hoof is no answer to pathetic public funding of social housing.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

At Arun District Council we introduced a new Affordable Planning Policy in August 2010 which lowered the threshold for financial contributions in lieu of on-site affordable housing down to 1 unit. We have an on-line matrix so developers/agents can see what the contribution will be for any number of dwellings between 1-14. For 15 units and above we generally seek on-site affordable housing. We also have an on-line Viability Toolkit so developers/agents can send us their viability asessments in a standard format. This policy has proven reasonably successful so far and we are enabling delivery of the highest level of affordable housing in Arun for over 20 years. See our website for full details on the Planning pages.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

Thanks Andy When I can find the time I'll take a peek and send the link to our Rural Housing Enabler and the planners. The commuted sums by parish vary considerably, can you explain why there is such variation?
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

Evan - We use a series of Value Points to set the commuted sums. These look at how viability varies as the key driver of the new build property values vary by location and/or time. Our studies for this methodology are on our website, the summary document is attached.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

Andy Sounds very interesting and enlightened - do you have a link to the online viability tool - it would be interesting to see how detailed it is. The 1 unit threshold has recently been introduced in Market Harborough and as Evan predicted, development of single units has ceased. However if there is a genuine awareness of viability on the part of both authority and developer this does not need to happen.
Former Member, Addaswyd 12 Years yn ôl.

Re: S106 Affordable Housing Financial Contributions in Lieu of On Site prov

Adam - please see below the web link to our Affordable Housing Policy page. This includes both the West Sussex Viability Toolkit and the accompanying Guidance Notes. We commissioned the toolkit from Three Dragons with our colleagues at Crawley and Horsham and refined it to meet our specific local needs. So far it seems to be working well as we are getting viability appraisals in a consistent format from developers. We can also do the assessment of what we receive ourselves and not spend a fortune on consultants. Andy