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Councils with good planning websites please

Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Councils with good planning websites please

I am undertaking a Scrutiny inquiry into planning services at Stroud District Council with other councillors. We have found that Council's websites vary considerably in quality. Please could you advise on Councils that have the best websites and any research or evidence regarding use of planning websites.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

I think how ours is set out is quite good: We have a link to the LDF from the BDC home page.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

I have seen all of the council websites over the UK and there are certainly some good ones. Some of the work we do is about how customers find the information quickly and save time for Officers having to deal with calls. Examples are: Hart DC are launching a Bing Map policy module soon which will show the planning policy information. Its a shame that Royal Mail have put a stop to for the public.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

Share you annoyance re: the royal mail's legal action. If anyone would like more information about it see: Further to the discussion on council planning websites - what do you use/have in place to measure how well your pages/site is working? John.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

Haringey Council has a very well presented and informative website, which has some great functionality and has been praised by SOCITM.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

One of the best and also mentioned in the SOCITM report, Very simple to use and clearly set out. Some good additional functionality too, especially the map on the main page. Regarding, their website is experiencing difficulties due to their provider of postcode data,, being taken offline because of legal action with the Royal Mail. I think this may have a knock on effect with twitterplan etc. Andy.
John Theobald, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

Enthusiast Postiadau: 61 Dyddiad Ymuno: 19/10/2011 Bostiadau diweddar
We use reports from Urchin web software that rank the popularity of the web pages visited on our site by number of page views. With this in mind, we rank the most popular pages right at the top of our Planning home page for ease of navigation. Users have mostly given positive feedback about our service pages.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

Have you all seen that the Portal's published its survey results? get to it from here: What do you think of what it says?
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

I am not sure how it stacks up in relation to one of Chris's earlier points - "You may be aware that most Government websites are required to shift citizen-facing content to Directgov by March 2011. " I assume that LPAs still produce content, but it is then hosted by directgov. I've pinged across a question to the portal - how much effort is worth expending on ICT now if we all get the benefit of the directgov CMS in about a year ?
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

In response to Marks comments re the lack of challenge in the document referrred to in my blog We were tasked to gather feebdack from LPAs and users and to come up with some simple guidance that could be applied by LPAs with either little or no budget or little or no resource. During the process we found that in many cases the planning web pages were managed by the planners themselves, many of whom had very little web publishing experience. We also found there to be a very wide variation between the worst and best performing LPAs in terms of the quality of service offered. We therefore geared the guidance to those that could benefit most (the poorer services) assuming that those such as Wakefield who have the vision and capability would be less likely to need the help. I agree with Marks comments, however I would add a note of caution in the rush to Web 2.0 everything, don't forget that the average planning customer is probably not quite as au fait with the latest widgets and apps as those of us in the trade. Most come with a straightforward task in mind and want to complete it as simply and easily as possible, and that should be our goal. The plan for DirectGov is a simple one. We will continue to develop planning content and services as we do now. Post March and our relaunch, our new virtualisation capability means that we will be able to 'clone' the Portal and offer up a DirectGov branded version containing just the citizen content. This will be linked to from headers on the main DirecGov site. LPAs will continue to link directly to the central content provided by the Portal as they do today and the Portal will continue as a standalone site. Finally we are now also in the process of working with a number of LPAs to develop locally branded versions of the Portal, delivering citizen facing content on our platform but with LPA branding.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

As a planing consultant who visits numerous web sites, I would say the main message is to keep it simple and make sure it works. A number of 'interactive maps' are of such poor quality as to be useless: not allowing easy zooming between scales or panning and sometimes not allowing printing. Good quality PDF maps can be more useful, but watch out for file size. The sizes of some maps and documents for dowload are excessive and do not seem to have any regard for the user. When listing documents with planning applications, please give then meaningful names. Sometimes it is necessary to open literally dozens of supporting documents to find out what they are, as they are not properly titled. Online consultation systems can be slow and frustrating: make sure that PDFs of the consultation documents are also readily available. Navigation also needs to be clear and simple - including knowing where you are to move backwards or forwards. The main message is to think of your users, rather than indulge in unproven systems that you have not been demonstrated to work in practice.
Former Member, Addaswyd 14 Years yn ôl.

Re: Councils with good planning websites please

I am currently reviewing our site and found the above all very interesting. It does seem to be very District based, both in terms of examples and respondees. Although the majority of strategy can be applied to both district and county auhtorities I was wondering if anyone could offer good examples of County sites and if there has been any further work done on this area of planning?