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Local Nature Recovery Strategy 'Partnerships'

James Bisset, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

Local Nature Recovery Strategy 'Partnerships'

New Member Postiadau: 3 Dyddiad Ymuno: 06/03/2019 Bostiadau diweddar

Subsequent to the pilot projects has anyone drafted a 'Terms of Reference' or similar information in advance/as part of setting up their LNRS Partnership? Looking to learn and hopefully not have to re-invent the wheel on this as we are just at initial conception stage for Herefordshire.

We are talking to Cumbria about their experience but a good 'generic' ToR would seem sensible for all relevant Authorities to base their local version on - but can't locate such an animal online anywhere (yet?).

Thanks in advance


Natural Environment Team Herefordshire Council