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CIL charging schedule and indexation

Rebecca Martin, Addaswyd 1 Year yn ôl.

CIL charging schedule and indexation

Enthusiast Postiadau: 77 Dyddiad Ymuno: 06/09/2013 Bostiadau diweddar

Recently we have realised that DEF(mastergov) because the indexation rates are input into a table in the back ground it is calcualting the charge to 6 decimal places. However when we publish the rates we round up or down to charge pounds and pence only.

This means DEF is slightly over charging CIL. In my view rounding is fine and DEF should match the charging schedule not be over calcualting CIL and charging more than the published rate. its not so noticable in small sites but larger sites this has caused obvious discrepesnscies as the laibility notice shows pound and pemnce rate but DEF has calcualted to a higher amount.

Does everyone else round? As aside from the actual calcualtion there is nothing in the regs, it seems comon sense to round but as we all know CIL and common sese are like oil and water! or this a matter for legal? As DEF are adamant their calcualtion is right.Thanks in advance.