
'Towards a Liveable London' - housing report

Seeking neighbourhood liveability for all

Granville homes, Brent

After a year- long research project reviewing London housing situation, CPRE London has produced a report summarising the key issues that we believe must be addressed to make London a more liveable city.

We argue that predicted population growth should be focused within London, and in our other towns and cities, to take the pressure off the countryside. This will include building more homes on brownfield sites, building at greater densities in the suburbs and ensuring good compact design and planning. London needs to prioritise building more homes for people on lower incomes and especially for families.

In order to create a more liveable London, ensuring a good quality of urban living over time, we need to concentrate on good neighbourhood design, access to sustainable transport and avoiding the ghetto estates of the past through creating more mixed communities.

Some of the solutions we suggest include reallocating central government resources to affordable family housing and devolution of property taxes  to free up local government capacity to help mobilise housing supply. This should be done in partnership with private  developers, housing associations and community-led housing initiatives.

It is clear there needs to be more inter-professional working to encourage a more coherent approach in the creation and maintenance of liveable neighbourhoods, where homes, workplaces, open spaces and shops are better knitted together. Fundamentally there must be a greater emphasis on creating new homes in partnership with local citizens, listening and responding to local needs and ideas.

Download ‘Towards a Liveable London’ report here. 

Plus click here to view a short film produced by students from Richmond University.


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