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DSTL KatalyST Logo
Started - May 2020

Welcome to KatalyST – Dstl’s external collaboration space.

About KatalyST

KatalyST is Dstl’s Knowledge Hub (KHub) network.  It brings together colleagues from Dstl, Government, Academia and Industry to build networks, foster community and collaborate. Groups within KatalyST are used to hold discussions, share knowledge and promote events.

Access to most groups requires an invitation or for a joining request to be approved to protect confidential information and discussions.

Using KatalyST

KatalyST users are responsible for ensuring that they only post appropriate information on KatalyST, and that they treat other peoples information appropriately. 

KatalyST is NOT currently approved for information with protective markings including descriptors such as COMMERCIAL, LOCSEN or PERSONAL.  It is only approved for use at OFFICIAL without SENSITIVE descriptors.

Please ensure you have read and abide by the Acceptable Use Policy for the KatalyST network.



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