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25 juil. 2016 - 08:19
Here are some of the bigger items of health and wellbeing policy news collected in the last week.  A fuller list (in date order) is available here. 21 July 2016 A 'reset' of NHS finances will see trusts and CCGs in special measures and the ending of some fines for waiting times,  NHS England, NHS Improvement and the CQC have announced.  Five NHS trusts and nine CCGs are being... Voir plus
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16 juil. 2016 - 06:47
Here are some of the bigger stories from last week.  A fuller list (in date order) is available here.   14 July 2016 Jeremy Hunt remains as health secretary,  one of only four Cabinet ministers to retain their role, in the new prime minister, Theresa May's government.  Justine Greening replaced Nicky Morgan as Secretary of State for Education.  Savid Javid moved from... Voir plus
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11 juil. 2016 - 14:04
There's a longer list of this week's health and wellbeing policy news items on my website, but here are a few of the bigger items: 06 July 2016 The Government is to impose the revised junior doctors' contract,  despite it having been rejected in a ballot of BMA members.  Imposition will start in October and is likely to be completed by autumn the following year.... Voir plus
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02 juil. 2016 - 15:22
Here are a few of the 'bigger' (not necessarily more newsworthy) health and wellbeing policy items from the last week.  There are more at www.equwell.org.uk.   28 June 2016 The UK is in breach of its international human rights obligations,  the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has said.  It said that austerity measures are having a... Voir plus
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12 juin 2016 - 17:24
This week's health and wellbeing policy news is available here.  A few of the more impactful items of the week are: The performance of the NHS in England improved slightly in April, but it remains under considerable pressure (9th) The United Nations Committee on the rights of the child says that UK austerity and welfare policies are disproportionately affecting poorer children so... Voir plus
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27 mai 2016 - 17:15
There's a full list of this week's health and wellbeing policy new items here, but a few of the key ones are: David Cameron has said he will take action on antimicrobial resistance (26th).  This follows the publication of Jim O'Neill's report last week.  The measures announced so far include setting targets and £50m towards a fund to incentivise drugs companies to produce new... Voir plus
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23 mai 2016 - 15:26
 It's been a big news week for health and wellbeing policy.  More detail can be found here, but a few of the key items are:   Agreement in the junior doctors' dispute was finally reached between the Government and the BMA (18th).  The deal now has to be put to a ballot of members and many are apparently unhappy with it.  Jeremy Hunt insisted that the Government had... Voir plus
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16 mai 2016 - 15:20
I have been doing a weekly health and wellbeing policy update for some time now.  The full details can be found here, but a few of the highlights from the past week include: The NHS has had its busiest year on record with many targets not met (12th) Workforce planning in the NHS has been criticised by the Public Accounts Committee, which questions whether the Government knows the... Voir plus
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