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11 sept. 2016 - 20:42
Here are a few of the more significant health and wellbeing policy news items from the last week.  A fuller list is available here.   05 September 2016 The junior doctors' strike planned for September has been called off,  but those for October, November and December are still scheduled to go ahead.  The BMA called off the strike because of concern that the service might... Voir plus
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28 août 2016 - 13:37
There's a fuller list of the health and wellbeing policy news items for the current quarter here, but some of the more significant items of the week are: 18 August 2016 The Government's delayed childhood obesity strategy has been widely criticised  for not going far enough.  It proposes a voluntary target to reduce the amount of sugar in children's food and drink by 5% next year and... Voir plus
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22 août 2016 - 15:29
There's a fuller list of the health and wellbeing policy news items for the current quarter here, but some of the more significant items of the week are: 08 August 2016 The 'troubled families' programme has had no discernible effect on unemployment, truancy or criminality,  according to an unpublished evaluation report, a senior civil servant has told BBC's Newsnight programme.  The... Voir plus
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31 juil. 2016 - 06:24
Here are a few of the more significant health and wellbeing policy news items from the last week.  A fuller list is available here.   28 July 2016 More details of the new voluntary GP contracts have been revealed  in NHS England board papers.  The contracts were announced by David Cameron last year (4th October 2015) in connection with seven day working, but that is not... Voir plus
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25 juil. 2016 - 08:19
Here are some of the bigger items of health and wellbeing policy news collected in the last week.  A fuller list (in date order) is available here. 21 July 2016 A 'reset' of NHS finances will see trusts and CCGs in special measures and the ending of some fines for waiting times,  NHS England, NHS Improvement and the CQC have announced.  Five NHS trusts and nine CCGs are being... Voir plus
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16 juil. 2016 - 06:47
Here are some of the bigger stories from last week.  A fuller list (in date order) is available here.   14 July 2016 Jeremy Hunt remains as health secretary,  one of only four Cabinet ministers to retain their role, in the new prime minister, Theresa May's government.  Justine Greening replaced Nicky Morgan as Secretary of State for Education.  Savid Javid moved from... Voir plus
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11 juil. 2016 - 14:04
There's a longer list of this week's health and wellbeing policy news items on my website, but here are a few of the bigger items: 06 July 2016 The Government is to impose the revised junior doctors' contract,  despite it having been rejected in a ballot of BMA members.  Imposition will start in October and is likely to be completed by autumn the following year.... Voir plus
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02 juil. 2016 - 15:22
Here are a few of the 'bigger' (not necessarily more newsworthy) health and wellbeing policy items from the last week.  There are more at www.equwell.org.uk.   28 June 2016 The UK is in breach of its international human rights obligations,  the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has said.  It said that austerity measures are having a... Voir plus
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27 juin 2016 - 13:17
Clearly the referendum result is eclipsing everything else at the moment, but there has also been quite a lot of health and wellbeing policy news in the last two weeks, albeit rather less momentous.  A lot emerged from the conferences of the NHS Confederation, BMA and Royal College of Nursing but that was mostly motions rather than anything which would necessarily lead to action.There is a... Voir plus
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05 juin 2016 - 12:50
There is a full list of health and wellbeing policy news items from the past week here.  Some of the more significant items were:   The system of serious case reviews is to be overhauled and the legal requirement to have a local safeguarding children's board removed, the Government has indicated (26th May).  Instead there is to be a national framework with 'local learning... Voir plus
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27 mai 2016 - 17:15
There's a full list of this week's health and wellbeing policy new items here, but a few of the key ones are: David Cameron has said he will take action on antimicrobial resistance (26th).  This follows the publication of Jim O'Neill's report last week.  The measures announced so far include setting targets and £50m towards a fund to incentivise drugs companies to produce new... Voir plus
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16 mai 2016 - 15:20
I have been doing a weekly health and wellbeing policy update for some time now.  The full details can be found here, but a few of the highlights from the past week include: The NHS has had its busiest year on record with many targets not met (12th) Workforce planning in the NHS has been criticised by the Public Accounts Committee, which questions whether the Government knows the... Voir plus
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29 févr. 2016 - 15:39
A solution to a knotty problem sprang into my mind last week.  I was on my way to the local Health and Wellbeing Board and pondering why it has had so little effect.  My previous thoughts on this had focussed on the problems with the health and wellbeing strategy and how it didn’t do what I thought a strategy should do.  However, another aspect of the problem is the process for... Voir plus
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30 sept. 2015 - 11:01
I am not convinced our local health and wellbeing strategy is terribly strategic.  However there are some quite interesting, and even innovative things going on locally in health, adult social care, children’s mental health and other areas.  There are person-centred approaches, a better use of prevention and community based work. So, what to do?  Should we just ignore the... Voir plus
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