
Creating conflict can be good 

There are plenty of articles on managing conflict but not so many on creating conflict. It common sense that good leaders resolve conflict and that dysfunctional teams are the result of poor leadership. So it may seem strange to claim that effective leadership involves creating an environment that allows even encourages conflict. But a dysfunctional team or organisation is not one that experiences conflict it is one that fails to resolve conflict. Areas of frustration are not aired openly but internalised, unresolved frustrations then come out in other unrelated areas where individuals appear prepared to fight to the death over some insignificant issue or against anything proposed by other members of the team. 


A healthy team /organisation encourages debate it does not close it down. People are encouraged to say what they really think and get things in the open. In other words conflict is allowed even encouraged. Take for example EDI an area of frustration for many and confusion and uncertainty for others. A organisation can and often do close down the debate , restrict the discussions for fear that the subject is too sensitive and controversial. But to do so will leave the frustrations unaddressed and will be a missed opportunity to challenge myths and stereotypes. 

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