
What was once successful now is not

Charismatic and autocratic have had their day - well almost. Driven by austerity and made fashionable by the success of a high profile few this type of leadership was in demand. This was the age of the swaggering young gunslinger radiating vigour and upsetting the established order . But few have success at the highest level  for more than a decade. It is a difficult and tiring job that requires frequent re evaluation and evolution. The  will becomes diminished. The world of local government moves on and they can no longer be described as at the cutting edge. Their great results that form the backbone of that impressive CV came when leading outsiders , organisations with a point to prove, galvanising them behind the cause ,to get out of special measures, to regain a position as the regional lead or to punch above their weight and match the ambition of their politicians. The abrasives management style, the criticism of other organisations , the attacks on unfair inspections and bias funding formula once shocking and yet refreshing now appear defensive and part of a strategy of manipulation. Once though inspirational leadership now viewed as scary leadership , still formidable but no longer the future they will still find employment amongst those ambitious for success who think a strong leader is the answer. 
Blair McPherson former director author and blogger 

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