
When is a crisis a crisis

We won't make a drama out of a crisis runs a well know advert for an insurance company. The media tell us the NHS is in crisis and the evening news provides the pictures. Beds blocked, operations cancelled, ambulances queuing up in hospital the car parks, patients treated in corridors, exhausted doctors and demoralised nurses. It certainly sounds like a crisis. A local authority has declared itself bankrupt and we are told more will follow, school academies are in a similar position, insufficient funds to continue, this also sounds like a crisis  The welfare state can't look after us all so charities have set up food banks and the situation is so desperate that we are not surprised to learn that even those who are working need to use them to feed their families. In every major city once night falls shop doorways fill up with rough sleepers, just the visible tip of a homeless and housing crisis. 
May be it is time we made a drama out of this crisis. 

Blair McPherson former director of community services 


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