Entrées avec l'étiquette dementia .

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24 sept. 2019 - 11:46
Anyone who lives alone – and over the next 20 years that could rise to nearly one in seven people in the UK – may be highly alarmed by the prospect of dealing with dementia. By 2039, the number of people with dementia in the UK living on their own is forecast to rise from 120,000 to about 240,000, according to the Alzheimer’s Society. That sounds like a terrifying prospect. But when I... Voir plus
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17 sept. 2019 - 08:51
  The trouble with retired old spooks is they don’t forget the right things. When dementia overtakes them they forget their not on the job anymore. They confuse their  cover story with what they really did and start telling their secrets to the postman or woman in the corner shop. They remember the craft but don’t recognise their own son. This makes them dangerous and vulnerable.... Voir plus
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24 févr. 2017 - 13:37
Delayed hospital discharges or " bed blocking " is hot news. As hospitals desperately try to unblock their beds where do they send patients and what happens to them? I am an ex social worker and former Director of community services so I thought I knew the answer but it's different when it's your own mum.   Every day dozens maybe hundreds of older people lose their balance fall... Voir plus
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08 févr. 2017 - 15:25
  A elderly man found wandering and confused in Hereford bus station has no means of identification on him, his clothes are new bought from a Tesco's he appears to speak English but his speech is difficult to understand , all he can tell the police is his name and that he is not from round here. No one has reported him missing and no one comes forward when his  picture is published... Voir plus
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13 mars 2017 - 21:10
  When I first became a specialist social worker for people with dementia I took a very purest view to lying to clients. All to often staff who cared for some one with dementia would collude with the the individuals confusion and memory loss as away of placating them when they were anxious or agitated. The individual insists on leaving the care home  to pick up her children from... Voir plus
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01 oct. 2016 - 16:48
Living with dementia is not about some one with dementia, it's not about caring for someone with dementia it about living in a residential  care home where everyone else has dementia. It's about having the room across the corridor from posh Rachael, who walks up and down all day in her underwear complaining she is,"starrrrving", in a very upper crust voice. It's about waking up in the... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2016 - 13:47
  In her dreams she is always lost. Awake she walks into the wardrobe looking for the way out in the dark. The flat is hot, she sleeps a lot. Sometimes when the three of us are talking her head lowers and her eyes close and for a few moments you think she has fallen asleep mid conversation, then she's back. People think she sleeps too much, they suspect she sleeps in the day when on her... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:39
New test for dementia. PM urges more resach into antibiotics. Most of us probably assumed that the next wonder drug would be a cure for cancer, the prevention of dementia or may be a new generation of antibiotics effective against super bugs. But what if a multinational drugs company in striving to do just this has stumbled on something else. Not a cure or prevention more a very effective way... Voir plus
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