Entrées avec l'étiquette emotional intelligence .

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26 déc. 2023 - 11:19
Some words convey action, energy and determination others violence. To launch a project as opposed to firing the starting gun or pulling the trigger. Two organisation may identify they same issues and priorities but their tone and language means they will tackle them in a very different way.  We have seen a determined move away from the macho management style and a recognition of the... Voir plus
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15 mars 2022 - 11:24
  There is nothing “ soft” about a police interrogation in Line of Duty. It’s intense and systematic . There is no shouting, verbal abuse or threats of violence. The aim is to get the individual to talk, to give an account that can be tested out against the evidence. Any inconsistencies will be probed. To do this effectively the officer must demonstrate empathy to gain the suspects... Voir plus
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10 janv. 2022 - 12:32
As we know it’s not the fastest, the strongest or the cleverest that survive but the friendliest. Admittedly in reference to evolution it’s survival of the fittest , those who adapt most quickly to their environment  but I am referring to the workplace. People who are seen as friendly, cooperative , easy to talk to and get on with tend to survive and prosper. They survive the... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2021 - 14:26

null Waterloo

The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, so the Duke of Wellington is reported to have said on revisiting his old school. A statement that reflected a belief, still held,  that Eton makes leaders of those born into the upper class. With my background in senior management I share the belief that leadership skills can be developed but I think all managers can and... Voir plus
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28 mai 2018 - 16:05
Can a joker be taken seriously? Can a manager be friends with those they manage? Is it unprofessional for a manager to show their emotions in public. Should triumphs and disasters be meet with the same stoicism? Can a manager take too much pleasure in the success of their team?    A high profile manager was recently reported as believing they could  be friends with team members... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:02
  According to recruiters this is the time of year when people are most likely to consider applying for a new job.  Could be you don't feel valued by your boss, could be the prospect of returning to the same old job after the long Christmas break has made you think about your career or it could be that burst of energy and optimism that comes with a new year has caused you to... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
  The smartest people don't get the top jobs. It is possible to be too smart, to be admired but disliked isn't that Sherlock Holmes problem?   Getting a top job isn't about what you know after all most senior managers these days don't know much about the diverse range of services they are responsible for. It not about who you know although networking is as important in the... Voir plus
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null 1388 vues

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