Entrées avec l'étiquette people management .

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02 févr. 2023 - 13:10
It’s like football,  tackling is part of the game. In the same way challenging team members is part of being a manager. In a game of football there are a lot of tackles   mostly they are fair tackles but that doesn’t stop some players complaining. So being complained about is not the problem , the problem is a clumsy , badly executed or ill- intentioned challenge.  Continuing... Voir plus
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15 mars 2022 - 11:24
  There is nothing “ soft” about a police interrogation in Line of Duty. It’s intense and systematic . There is no shouting, verbal abuse or threats of violence. The aim is to get the individual to talk, to give an account that can be tested out against the evidence. Any inconsistencies will be probed. To do this effectively the officer must demonstrate empathy to gain the suspects... Voir plus
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27 juin 2020 - 11:07
Is managing a football club so different to being a senior manager in a Local Authority?Both are challenged to motivate talented individuals. Both have a vision and a plan for the future whilst being required to deliver improved performance in the short term. In both cases recruitment  and retention will reflect and determine progress. The amount of money available and the priorities... Voir plus
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22 mai 2020 - 14:23
The interesting thing about management is that pretty much everyone thinks they could do it and do it better. It’s not rocket science. That is why so many people think they understand it. But it’s not easy which is why so many don’t progress. There are lots of things to learn. The moment you stop learning you get left behind because of the pace of change. I started in management 30... Voir plus
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31 mars 2020 - 12:39
If HR staff had thought bubbles above their head when in conversation with managers then you would be able to see when they were thinking ,” you really shouldn’t be telling me this”.  1) You can’t stand one of your team If you tell a member of HR you can’t stand an individual in your team how is it going to look if at a later date that individual submits a grievance against... Voir plus
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05 avr. 2018 - 13:56
Managers don’t have favourites. Managers don’t castigate individual team members in public. Managers don’t pointedly slight an individual in front of their colleagues. According to received wisdom managers should praise in public and criticise  in private. Those who don’t follow this rule are considered either poor people managers or a bully. And yet there are some well known highly... Voir plus
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20 janv. 2015 - 13:32
Culture eats equality strategy for breakfast, well that’s my experience as a senior manager with lead responsibility for equality and diversity. So we shifted the focus away from policy, procedures and targets and the implied criticism of managers’ performance. We set out to help managers deal with the day to day issues in managing a diverse workforce. The young woman who finds... Voir plus
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