Entrées avec l'étiquette public sector ethos .

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30 mars 2019 - 14:04
     Where change has failed, let there be continuity. This is how one national news paper described the significance of a new person in charge in Manchester. That is Manchester United Football club but it could have been a reference to new leadership in any one of a number of Local Authorities after years of churn and unconvincing change. Instead of retuning to the attaching football... Voir plus
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25 juil. 2016 - 18:45
Being business like  has come to mean winning contracts. Hence the chief executive of a small voluntary organisation that has grown into a dominant player in the market claims " rivals" don't like the fact that we are more business like. (Or maybe they don 't like the way you win contracts!) Just as Local Authorities in outsourcing services, ruthlessly pursuing value for money and... Voir plus
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04 nov. 2015 - 23:10
When Directors go over to the Dark side  Have you noticed the number of senior social service managers taking early retirement ,  resurfacing in the private sector trying to sell local authorities private sector solutions to health and social care issues. These managers were strong advocates of the public sector ethos who have now gone over to the " dark side".    What... Voir plus
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10 sept. 2015 - 11:50
Chief executive. Very competitive. That's all it said in the Health Service Journal (HSJ) Job of the Week advertisement. So were they looking for a very competitive individual or was this a way of telling readers that a big salary was on offer? Or may be both! Is the implication it's the money that attracts the candidates, or for competitive could we read ambitious?  According to research... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:19
Being ethical and socially responsible is all part of the public sector ethos – but is the business world corrupting the public sector just when business ethics and the role of extravagantly rewarded business leaders are being questioned? Being ethical and socially responsible is all part of the public sector ethos – or it was before business people were parachuted on to NHS boards, schools... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:11
We live in a modern world so I was not surprised to be contacted by a student through Face Book. She was doing a presentation and referring to an article I had written on Equality and Diversity in Health and Social Care. She asked if I could tell her what my motivation was for writing the piece. This is what I said in reply. I wanted to say that Equality and Diversity is not an optional... Voir plus
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