Entrées avec l'étiquette resilience .

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06 févr. 2023 - 15:35
Resilience and Agility are closely related. Resilience is the ability to recover or bounce back. Agility is a set up able to take advantage of opportunities and stay ahead of the game. However the ability to over come set backs does involve some of the characteristics of agility like the ability to change direction quickly and smoothly.  Resilience for an individual is about confidence... Voir plus
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22 mai 2020 - 14:23
The interesting thing about management is that pretty much everyone thinks they could do it and do it better. It’s not rocket science. That is why so many people think they understand it. But it’s not easy which is why so many don’t progress. There are lots of things to learn. The moment you stop learning you get left behind because of the pace of change. I started in management 30... Voir plus
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27 janv. 2020 - 14:54
  I once played in a football team that got beaten 15-1. What made it worse was it was only 2-1 at half time. It was a capitulation and a humiliation. Our goal keepers confidence was shattered and our star striker never played for us again. And yet the core of that team went on playing together for several very successful seasons. People respond differently to major set backs and so... Voir plus
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07 avr. 2018 - 11:54
I thought if I hadn’t made it by the time I was 50 then I wasn’t going to make it. The thrusting, ambitious and going places 40 somethings seemed to dominate the top posts. Even words like “ambitious “, “ enthusiastic” and “ energetic”  seemed to be code for young and when combined with “experience” meant the interview panel was seeking to appoint a forty year old, high flyer from the fast... Voir plus
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22 mars 2018 - 14:29
  Organisations look to appoint talented and experienced individuals and rarely look at their track record for evidence of resilience. Resilience is the ability to cope with  set backs, disappointments and failures. High flyers are used to always doing well which means they are ill prepared for when things go wrong. High performers gain quicker promotions and move from job to job... Voir plus
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05 juin 2017 - 17:54
  Budget cuts, redundancies, reorganisation , out sourcing , increased workloads, changes in working practices, increased use of technology, stress is part of the modern public sector work experience we just have to learn to live with it. So toughen up or to put it in HR speak become more "resilient".    Resilience training is the latest organisational response to... Voir plus
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31 mai 2017 - 18:14
  The HR term for being able to cope with set backs, disappointments and failures is," Resilience ". In today's public sector individual and organisational resilience is highly valued. Managers and professionals are expected to bounce back if they are unsuccessful in applying for promotion or don't get the job they really wanted in the restructuring. Organisations and teams are... Voir plus
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