Entrées avec l'étiquette whistleblowers .

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26 sept. 2023 - 12:17
Said the whistle blower. Not true said senior management.   I raised my concerns on many occasions with my manager, with senior managers and when nothing happened with board members.  We take all such allegations seriously especially if they relate to the safety of vulnerable  people. We commissioned a quick internal investigation by a manager outside of the department.... Voir plus
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21 déc. 2020 - 08:42
It’s harder than most people would imagine to sack staff who have abused residents. Hard to uncover the abuse and harder to put together a strong enough case to get a dismissal.   The worst kind of bad practice is rarely picked up by inspections, sometimes there are rumours, sometimes managers have concerns but without specifics nothing happens until you get a whistle blower.... Voir plus
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17 avr. 2017 - 19:22
  The board /cabinet members each receive a copy of an anonymous letter alleging that the senior manager leading the negotiations to outsource services to a large private company has a previous history with this company and a friendship with a senior executive in the company. It is suggested that this might explain his well document  enthusiasm for outsourcing and the reason he... Voir plus
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26 juil. 2016 - 19:03
  Professional footballers are labelled disloyal because they no longer stay with one club but move around chasing money and winners medals. Politicians call each other backstabbers as they oust their leader and jockey for power. The chief executive complains of senior managers undermining them behind their back. The board refers to a high profile whistleblower as disloyal for going... Voir plus
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12 févr. 2015 - 11:49
Effective leaders ask good questions but too many people in charge don't ask questions. After all if you don't ask the question you can always deny knowledge. The Americans call this plausible deniability; we call it wilful blindness and selective deafness. "I didn't know some of my very senior managers were walking away with £million pay offs. I didn't ask the details of individual... Voir plus
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12 févr. 2015 - 11:05
"They denied that there had been a problem, or if there had been that it was as big as was said. If there was a problem they certainly were not told. They were no worse than anyone else. They had won awards. The media were out to get them". They were more concerned with the reputation of the organisation than they were in discovering what was really going on. The leadership did not expect... Voir plus
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18 nov. 2014 - 13:12
The police have been fiddling the crime figures for some time (HMIC report) but in this they are no different to other parts of the public sector. This is what happens when performance targets become the measure of success and the means to promotion.    Performance data is suppose to help managers by prompting the right questions. What are the reasons for variances in... Voir plus
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26 sept. 2014 - 15:22
Most whistleblowers on bad practise and abuse are not board members or senior managers they are front line staff reporting concerns about colleagues having failed to get their line manager to take the matter seriously. But what happens when a higher up does listen? From my experience if the whistleblower wants management to take action they have to be prepared to make a signed statement and... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
The difficult financial climate has thrown up a new range of HR challenges.   Management is still about managing budgets and managing people, it is still about promoting good practise and challenging bad practise, it is still about managing change and getting people to do what needs to be done but budget cuts, service reductions and concern about service standards mean that there is a... Voir plus
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