Entrées avec l'étiquette abuse .

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13 févr. 2024 - 13:25
That was always the excuse but was the past about to catch up with him? You know the type their motto better to ask forgiveness than permission. Innovative and creative when it came to finding ways round the recruitment policies and financial procedures. Commanding great loyalty from their team, suspicion from their colleagues and grudging tolerance from senior management.    Even... Voir plus
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01 févr. 2024 - 15:50

null Be curious

Tattooed on the arm of every Cnief Executive and Council Leader, Portfolio holder and senior manager.   Be curious, ask the right questions, if the rumours persist investigate them.     Blair Mcpherson former director author and blogger www.blaimcpherson.co.uk 
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21 déc. 2020 - 08:42
It’s harder than most people would imagine to sack staff who have abused residents. Hard to uncover the abuse and harder to put together a strong enough case to get a dismissal.   The worst kind of bad practice is rarely picked up by inspections, sometimes there are rumours, sometimes managers have concerns but without specifics nothing happens until you get a whistle blower.... Voir plus
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01 nov. 2018 - 21:59
  A scheming senior manager seeks to undermine a colleague by ringing that person at home the night before an important meeting to say the chair has requested the start time of the meeting be put back an hour. In fact the request was for the meeting to be brought forward an hour. The individual arrives just as the meeting is finishing. They apologise to the chair, who is clearly annoyed,... Voir plus
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26 sept. 2014 - 15:22
Most whistleblowers on bad practise and abuse are not board members or senior managers they are front line staff reporting concerns about colleagues having failed to get their line manager to take the matter seriously. But what happens when a higher up does listen? From my experience if the whistleblower wants management to take action they have to be prepared to make a signed statement and... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:10
Some people will be genuinely shocked at the prison sentences handed out to staff who worked at the Winterbourne Hospital/ Home for people with learning disabilities. Shocked that you can get sent to jail for shouting at someone, calling them names and slapping them. Shocked because they have done the same, witnessed others do it and worse, shocked because they don’t consider themselves bad... Voir plus
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