Entrées avec l'étiquette bullying .

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10 janv. 2024 - 13:43
Bullies as opposed to weak, indecisive or unpleasant managers got to their position of authority because someone,somewhere thought they would be  a good at management. Did they suddenly become shouty and sweary ? Prior to being promoted were they pleasant and supportive? When did they adopt intimidation and public humiliation as management tactics? Were  they always a bully and got... Voir plus
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26 déc. 2023 - 11:19
Some words convey action, energy and determination others violence. To launch a project as opposed to firing the starting gun or pulling the trigger. Two organisation may identify they same issues and priorities but their tone and language means they will tackle them in a very different way.  We have seen a determined move away from the macho management style and a recognition of the... Voir plus
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28 nov. 2023 - 14:20
In the public sector vacant posts are not just a result of poor pay and overwork but of poor treatment of staff due to institutional apathy towards staff subject to bullying, racism and misogyny. And a perceived lack of support from HR. Recent reports about the NHS, the London Met police force and the London Fire and Rescue service have highlighted a disturbing and persistent culture of... Voir plus
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03 avr. 2023 - 11:15
This isn’t about somewhere I used to work. This isn’t about someone I used to work for. I can’t be in trouble because I don’t work there any more. I don’t know why they think this is about them.Or why you’re saying,”not again”. I’ve never even met them. You say they know all about me.You say they are angry and out to get me. You say it’s about an article I wrote.But I have written nothing... Voir plus
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13 janv. 2023 - 21:02
Looking at the video and film clips, film makers in the USA think bullying at school, in the work place and in leisure venues is common place. They also believe all bullies get their comeuppance. But only by picking on the wrong person who violently and with maximum efficiency breaks bones and busts heads using fists and feet. The message seems to be learn to fight.  Does the message... Voir plus
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15 mars 2022 - 11:21
Shouting ,swearing, ridiculing and “losing  it big time” not as a one off or isolated experience but as a daily occurrence, a regular feature of the way the manager behaves would be unacceptable and considered bullying in most organisations.  But how hard can you push someone to deliver, how high can you set your expectations and how critical can you be before it is considered bullying?... Voir plus
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15 juil. 2021 - 14:15
  How safe is your work place ? No I’m not taking about working with dangerous machinery or hazardous chemicals.  I’ m not referring to the risk of falling objects, flying objects or sharp objects. I’m not thinking about the risk of being shot, run over, attacked, falling from a great height, being electrocuted  or drowning. I’m asking if you feel that your team or organisation is a... Voir plus
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14 déc. 2020 - 12:15
 In the USA they call trousers “pants”. In our family big boy pants refers to the underwear that my 3 year old grand son wears as part of his toilet training. Just another example of the misunderstandings that can occur when we think we speak the same language or is there more to it?  Philadelphia Mayor tells Trump to “Put big boy pants on”. So read a headline in the days after... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2020 - 13:24
Alex Ferguson claims he used his notorious hairdryer treatment no more than 6 or 7 times in his long and successful career. The accounts of former players would indicate it was a lot more but may be the truth is that it was used sparingly in order to maximise its impact. The point is All his players had heard of and probably witnessed one of these fearsome verbal assaults. No one... Voir plus
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18 nov. 2019 - 15:22
Everyone has heard about the revolution in British cycling which led to the biggest ever haul of Olympic medals. Every one in sport and any one interested in improving performance wanted to know how they had done it and could it be repeated in other areas, including local government. When asked the secret to their success team GB said a thousand minute improvements non of which on... Voir plus
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08 oct. 2019 - 11:20

null Humbug

There is a lot of anger and frustration about. The use of inflammatory language by tabloid news papers, radio shocks jocks and the Prime Minister means that people in the work place feel freer to use the same language and show the same lack of concern for their colleagues feelings. Managers are expected to challenge inappropriate and offensive language but it’s harder if such... Voir plus
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15 sept. 2019 - 15:32
If there is an ex directors breakfast  club I haven’t been offered membership. If they invited me I won’t go. But if I did this is what I would expect to hear.   I speak of the time before austerity of the time before the time before austerity. A time when we were practice led not financially driven. A time we believed we could make a real difference for the better. People say that is... Voir plus
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15 juil. 2019 - 11:50
There are managers who are bullies and then there is systematic institutional harassment. In the latter HR rather than protect employees against bulling and harassment advises senior management on how to put pressure on staff in order to get rid of them. This is not about weeding out the odd incompetent employee or those not in tune with the organisations change in direction but... Voir plus
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22 janv. 2019 - 15:39
Angry, aggressive, volatile, unpredictable bosses you’ve had one or may be you have one. The good news is they have had their day. The shouty, sweary boss is on the way out. It’s debatable whether it ever motivated staff more likely intimidated and inhibited, making them afraid to make a mistake. The angry boss is being replaced by the Nice Guy. This doesn’t mean that the new style boss never... Voir plus
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14 janv. 2019 - 14:49
Your boss may be a bully but that doesn’t make them a bad person. We have a problem of bullying in the public sector and we’re not going to solve it by treating it as just a few bad people. Getting rid of these individuals or putting more safe guards in place that reduce the ability of managers to abuse their power won’t  work. Even if it were that simple it wouldn’t work because the... Voir plus
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26 nov. 2018 - 15:21
In the past the answer would have been senior management, the Trade Union and HR. But senior management can no longer be relied on to set a good example, the trade unions have been weakened,  so that leaves HR !   Let’s be brutally honest where there is a bulling problem there is also a lack of confidence in HR to tackle it. This is probably unfair on HR. They have developed the... Voir plus
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12 nov. 2018 - 18:35
David Attenborough appears to be demonstrating that apes have much in common when it comes to leadership. Perhaps it’s not so surprising that chimpanzees and naked apes should take the same approach to gaining and retaining power. May be you find it reassuring to learn that it’s not just humans who resort to bulling, scheming and ganging up to get to the top of the hierarchy. Personally I found... Voir plus
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14 mars 2018 - 13:13
The current epidemic of bulling is evidence of the frequency with which people get into positions of power without acquiring the skills to manage people. It is very worrying that that people can be appointed to senior management posts with out the necessary people management skills. It says much about the recruitment to top posts that either people management skills are assumed or simply not... Voir plus
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13 sept. 2017 - 11:44
A racist can spot another racist although neither would identify themselves as such. A black person knows a racist even a cleaver one who is careful about what they say and who they say it to. Their problem is convincing the rest of us/ the organisation that this articulate , intelligent professional is doing all they can to block, undermine and sow the seeds of resentment against black... Voir plus
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31 mai 2017 - 18:14
  The HR term for being able to cope with set backs, disappointments and failures is," Resilience ". In today's public sector individual and organisational resilience is highly valued. Managers and professionals are expected to bounce back if they are unsuccessful in applying for promotion or don't get the job they really wanted in the restructuring. Organisations and teams are... Voir plus
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