Entrées avec l'étiquette business ethics .

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14 sept. 2021 - 18:07
This is the title of a t.v. show about a US Marshall based in Lexington, Kentucky who was born and grew up in a close knit community in the Appalachian mountains. His unorthodox but Justified methods gets him suspended and then transferred. His superiors send him back to where he grew up to investigate bombings and murders suspected to have been carried by an extreme anti big... Voir plus
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24 janv. 2017 - 12:47
    Donald Trump the new US president with a business background has appointed people to his senior posts on the bases that they are good at "doing deals". Is this a new and worrying tend in the public sector  which we are likely to follow? A worrying tend because doing deals in the commercial world is a rather murky business where ethical and moral considerations are... Voir plus
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18 nov. 2014 - 13:12
The police have been fiddling the crime figures for some time (HMIC report) but in this they are no different to other parts of the public sector. This is what happens when performance targets become the measure of success and the means to promotion.    Performance data is suppose to help managers by prompting the right questions. What are the reasons for variances in... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:19
Being ethical and socially responsible is all part of the public sector ethos – but is the business world corrupting the public sector just when business ethics and the role of extravagantly rewarded business leaders are being questioned? Being ethical and socially responsible is all part of the public sector ethos – or it was before business people were parachuted on to NHS boards, schools... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:03
Some people say if the private sector paid their full tax liability the public sector wouldn’t have to make spending cuts. Some people say what did you think was in those pies at that price? Some people say of course the private sector can provide services cheaper when they pay minimum wages, no enhancements for evenings, weekends or overtime and no sick pay. I say it’s just business. Why... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:56

null Cheating

After years of denial the seven times winner of the Tour de France admits to wining by using performance enhancing drugs. Television catches out a premiership footballer” diving” to try and con the referee into giving his side a penalty. The new boss of Barclays tells staff adopt a new ethical approach or go. A multinational coffee house is exposed for massive tax avoidance. In all these... Voir plus
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