Entrées avec l'étiquette constructive dismissal .

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24 févr. 2024 - 11:02
It was a senior manager the restructuring was presented as more of a reshuffle. The boss said he wanted to move people around. He had done this before in responcse to a criss in one area of the business. When the reshuffle was muted my colleagues made it clear they viewed my post as a poison chalice. I was sure my job was safe because no one else wanted it. I was right but wrong. Non of my... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:11
Pay up, save thousands and avoid the bad publicity that’s the standard advice when faced with a claim for constructive dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination. I am sure that was the advice given by legal and HR to an NHS Trust, they didn’t take it and were forced to pay a former manager £1 million. The damage to the organisations reputation as the national media focused on the... Voir plus
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