Entrées avec l'étiquette cultural change .

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02 nov. 2022 - 16:24
I like working for my boss. I like the people I work with. I like the work I do. I don’t like the organisation I work for. It use to be said that people leave managers not organisations. Recently I get the impression things are changing. People want to work for an organisation that they can like. It may be one that is socially responsible, one that is not all about profit , one that... Voir plus
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22 févr. 2016 - 19:53
  We need to talk about how we talk about diversity in the work place because the subject still has a faint air of menace about it. If people are reluctant to talk about diversity for fear of saying the wrong thing then organisations will have a tick box approach to diversity which looks impressive but doesn't  change the culture. This all to common superficial approach to diversity... Voir plus
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11 août 2015 - 10:58
Change fatigue leaves staff exhausted, burnt out, cynical and ineffective and makes it less likely that the organisation will successfully implement changes.   Organisation change fatigue is where a significant proportion of staff within an organisation are feeling exhausted by continual change. Organisation change fatigue or OC Fatigue is not the same as staff resistance to change,... Voir plus
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