Entrées avec l'étiquette equal opportunity .

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19 févr. 2019 - 13:54
Ever wondered why candidates with less experience and knowledge get promoted so quickly? Could it be they charmed the interview panel? “He must have had quite a lot of charm ,as he was promoted by people very quickly”. Do you recognise this individual ? Are you all too familiar with the practice? Why is charm stressed above other qualities that might be assumed to be of greater significance... Voir plus
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20 févr. 2016 - 11:55
It was a spoof and like the best spoofs it was just ridiculous  enough to be believable. It was advertised as a new service for organisations who wanted to address the under representation of minorities.    http://www.theguardian.com/society/commentisfree/2016/feb/17/rent-a-minority-one-stop-solution-to-create-the-illusion-of-diversity-at-your-company Voir plus
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25 janv. 2016 - 14:25
MI5 have them. They are helping the secret services get the best out of their "Spooks". It was one of the reasons they were awarded public sector employers of the year. Soon every CEO, head teacher and senior manager will want one. They are the RDMs ( Reverse Diversity Mentors). Reverse mentoring in diversity is where a senior person seeks out some one to mentor them on diversity issues as a... Voir plus
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20 janv. 2015 - 13:29
Equal opportunity monitoring.   Most organisations don’t know how many disabled people they employ, how many gay people work for them or which faiths make up the staff group. All they do know with any degree of certainty is the age and gender profile of their organisation plus may be some information on ethnicity. The reason for this is that staff have proved very reluctant to... Voir plus
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