Entrées avec l'étiquette equality and diversity .

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17 nov. 2021 - 12:43
When it comes to HR trends where the US leads we tend to take notice. So a recent article that drew attention to the increased use of multiple interviews peaked my interest. It appears  some companies are asking candidates to attend 5 or 6 even 7 interviews before they make a final decision! Appointing the wrong person can be an expensive mistake. A square peg in a round hole can be... Voir plus
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13 mai 2021 - 15:41
I met up with a former colleague  last week who keeps in touch with  their ex team members on social media and was beginning to regret it. A picture of a child’s soft doll  with bright clothes, a black face and fuzzy hair was being shared with the words , “Let’s see how many shares we can get before this is removed”.  He was shocked and disappointed. As a manager he had championed... Voir plus
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14 avr. 2021 - 21:30
  Over the Easter weekend I watched the latest episode of The Good Fight on Netflix. It’s a US t.v. series set in a law firm. What’s different  about it is its topical ,political ( US politics ) and likes to confront ethical issues head on. In the new series the small African American Chicago based law firm that made its name by taking on cases of police brutally and its money by... Voir plus
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16 févr. 2021 - 10:34
The new Batman will be black DC comics has revealed. Can he do for your organisation what he is going to do for Gotham City? Or will it be Wonder Woman who returns to save the day? Does your organisation’s Equality and Diversity strategy recognise the lack of black employees in senior posts and is one of the aims of the strategy to address this situation? Do you believe in ... Voir plus
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14 déc. 2020 - 12:15
 In the USA they call trousers “pants”. In our family big boy pants refers to the underwear that my 3 year old grand son wears as part of his toilet training. Just another example of the misunderstandings that can occur when we think we speak the same language or is there more to it?  Philadelphia Mayor tells Trump to “Put big boy pants on”. So read a headline in the days after... Voir plus
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13 juin 2020 - 20:57
It’s big and it’s scary, it’s in the room and ignoring it won’t make it go away. An Elephant in the Room is an expression to describe a big topic everyone is ignoring, pretending it doesn’t exist because it is too scary or too difficult to deal with. Racism like sexism, ageism and homophobia-discrimination is a big, scary topic.  The killing of George Floyd and the subsequent... Voir plus
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31 mars 2020 - 12:39
If HR staff had thought bubbles above their head when in conversation with managers then you would be able to see when they were thinking ,” you really shouldn’t be telling me this”.  1) You can’t stand one of your team If you tell a member of HR you can’t stand an individual in your team how is it going to look if at a later date that individual submits a grievance against... Voir plus
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12 janv. 2020 - 12:56
Taking words out of context and simply banning them as offensive does not take forward the battle for greater awareness and sensitivity in the cause of equality and diversity. If you were in any doubt then just look at the complaints the BBC have revived over the Christmas special of Gavin and Stacy. These complaints are about a lyric in a song two  of the characters sing at a Karaoke... Voir plus
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04 déc. 2018 - 12:05
Racism and sexism are taboo. Equalities are enshrined in the law yet society still looks unfair. People strenuously deny being racists and yet the evidence of discrimination backs up the claims of people from ethnic and religious minority groups. The explanation, unconscious bias. Basically people don’t know they are doing it. They have involuntarily soaked up attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes... Voir plus
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03 août 2016 - 10:55
  During the hot summer months the lesser hairy white ape heads for the coast. Shedding their outer clothes apes can be found in large groups on sandy beaches. In recent years observers have noted apes have appeared in very large numbers along the Spanish coast. There is a significant population migration from the cooler Northern European areas to the warmer southern European coastal... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2016 - 13:47
  In her dreams she is always lost. Awake she walks into the wardrobe looking for the way out in the dark. The flat is hot, she sleeps a lot. Sometimes when the three of us are talking her head lowers and her eyes close and for a few moments you think she has fallen asleep mid conversation, then she's back. People think she sleeps too much, they suspect she sleeps in the day when on her... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2016 - 21:39
  Narrow medieval streets packed tight with meandering tourist are not the easiest place to navigate a wheel chair, add hot sun and a deceptive incline and the result is wheel chair rage. The oncoming people traffic can get out of your way but the people in front can't see you coming, abrupt stops to examine brightly coloured objects on a market stall or the sudden desire  to... Voir plus
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08 juil. 2016 - 10:26
  Too many public sector organisations including Local Authorities are still in denial about racism due to their management culture.     The Macpherson enquiry emphatically made the point that racism was not just about the extreme behaviour of a few wicked people nor was it limited to unprovoked assaults, abuse shouted in the streets or outright... Voir plus
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26 mai 2016 - 17:20
  If you want to get on don't rock the boat. Don't contradict your manager. Best avoid topics of race , faith and sexuality so as not to risk saying the wrong thing. Don't go out of your way to upset your workmates by telling tales to management. This is the unofficial culture of every organisation I have ever worked in.    This unofficial culture explains why whistleblowers... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:08
  What have a Cambridge varsity ball, a history teacher and a board game got in common? Why would a group of students think Gone with the wind would make a great theme for a university ball with it underlying subject of slavery and racial stereotypes? Why were only three black people accepted on the post graduate history teachers training course in stark contrast to the 506 white... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
The snowy white peaks that range across the NHS has been the subject of recent articles in the HSJ. Those urging the NHS to have a more diverse group of leaders do so on the assumption that having more black managers in senior posts would make a difference. I am not convinced. http://www.hsj.co.uk/comment/blogs/the-drive-for-equality-and-diversity-in-the-nhs/5066023.blog
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:33
The Rooney Rule doesn’t say if Wayne Rooney scores England will win in fact it is nothing to do with the Manchester United footballer. The Rooney Rule comes from American football it requires football clubs with a management vacancy to include suitably qualified black candidates on their short list. In effect it is an interview guarantee scheme. And it works. Ten years ago there were no black... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:20
The new police and crime commissioners didn’t get off to a good start. Record low turnouts to vote indicate that the public were not interested in who got the job nor were they excited about the creation of this new post. The idea was to have one person responsible for setting the budget, hiring and firing the local police chief. If local people didn’t think the police in their area we doing... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:41

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 I’m not talking about winners I’m referring to people who take up a cause. If you want to change the world or just your tiny corner of the organisation first you have to accept that you are going to have limited impact, your enthusiasm and effort will be disproportionate to the progress of the cause you are championing. Even Martin Luther King said of the Promised Land I may not get... Voir plus
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