Entrées avec l'étiquette ethnic minority groups .

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12 juil. 2014 - 15:39
  Do you know how to tell which type Irish pub you are in? Ask for a whiskey. I learnt this when I asked for a Bushmills in an Irish pub in Birmingham. The relevance of which will be delt with later.   Today I noted that in two articles in the Guardian on the topic of race and racism the expression "people of colour" was used as opposed to "black" or "ethnic minorities ". Has... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:26
The Government doesn’t think so. They certainly think we can’t afford the Equality and Human Rights Commission in its present shape and size. The new chair Baroness O’Neil is getting rid of some old trouble makers Simon Woolley, the only black commissioner and Lady Meral Hussein-Ece vice chair of the parliamentary all party group on race and community and the only Muslim commissioner. Both... Voir plus
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