Entrées avec l'étiquette feedback .

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02 févr. 2023 - 13:33
We have all experienced being asked a question  instinctively knowing you’re  not supposed to give an honest answer. I knew it when my boss asked if I thought he was a bully! A common theme in audit reports is that senior  managers did not recognise the extent of the problem. I read a particularly damning report which was strikingly titled,” I’m surprised your surprised”. The... Voir plus
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01 déc. 2021 - 11:14

null Now? 

When the chief Executive takes the trouble to call you in to tell you what a good job you and your team did you should just accept the praise shouldn’t you?  You might say it’s all down to the hard work and dedication of your team because that’s the done thing. So when the chief executive is saying how sir what’s his name from government office said how impressed he was with the... Voir plus
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09 nov. 2021 - 11:58
These days everyone wants a good review. Tell us how well we have done. But if the feedback is less than glowing it may get an angry and hurt response. This is why cautious managers so often play safe with their feedback. To the detriment of employee development.    ” At some stage in your career you’ve got to face up to the fact of how good you are , and let’s face it Walter... Voir plus
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23 juin 2021 - 13:14
You know the argument about whether drivers should have to retake their driving test at regular intervals well the same reasoning applies to recruitment interviews. The roads have got a lot busier since you passed your test and over time all of us pick up some bad driving habits. Well some managers never had any recruitment training they have just done it ever since they became a... Voir plus
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25 avr. 2021 - 05:50
All to often the first time the boss says how much they value your contribution and appreciate your commitment is at your leaving do! This seems consistent with a resent survey which found 80% of employees felt their manager did not give enough feedback. HR are familiar with the scenario where a manager wishes to terminate an employees employment due to an unsatisfactory probationary... Voir plus
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12 févr. 2020 - 11:59
At university I had a lecture who supervised one of my placements and believed students were a good judge of their own performance. I was tipped off in advance by a student in the year above so at the end of my placement I was not surprised to be asked what grade I thought I should receive. I had prepared my answer and my rational in advance. I confidently stated my performance... Voir plus
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25 janv. 2019 - 11:50
That’s the received wisdom yet recently two very successful and high profile managers have publicly criticised their staff one going as far as to single out individuals. Was this a calculated man management strategy or a momentary lapse, a result of frustration, disappointment and the pressure to deliver? In one case it seemed like a conscious decision because it was repeated. In the second... Voir plus
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01 mars 2017 - 11:05
  A kick up the backside or arm round the shoulder. Delivered at the right time, in the right way both are recognised managerial responses. Some people respond better to one than the other. Managers may be predisposed to confrontational management or supportive management. Supportive management is presented as a good thing, although staff often complain there isn't much of it. Supporting... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:03
I blog for the Health Service Journal (HSJ) and have always sent in my article for them to post. This means they decide if and when it appears. A change of personnel and Andrew has taken over, he suggested I post my blog direct as I do for this site. Great they must trust me because in the past not all my articles have appeared. Their site proved more difficult to use. I am not sure what I... Voir plus
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