Entrées avec l'étiquette induction .

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03 juin 2021 - 12:49
On Boarding is management jargon for getting new employees familiar with the way we do things round here. It’s not just about the routines, tasks and knowledge it’s learning about the organisation’s culture. It can also mean learning about the organisation’s unofficial culture the way we really do things round here.  On Boarding is more than just induction. Induction is what ... Voir plus
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09 mars 2015 - 13:06
The receptionist came out from behind the desk, spoke to and then stroked each one in turn. She clearly likes dogs. Not surprising you might say being as she works at a vets. Not so, we have been going to our vets for years and they are far more professional, they never smile, keep conversation to a minimum and never ever come out from behind the counter. Clearly the receptionist at the first... Voir plus
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