Entrées avec l'étiquette integrity .

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24 déc. 2022 - 10:06
What’s the difference between gaming the system and cheating-integrity! 
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30 mai 2019 - 11:24

null Do no Evil

  Didn’t that use to be the motto of Google? I think we would want something more positive in local government. But it does capture the idea that we need to have values and principles in our organisations.   I recently read an article on integrity by a university lecture at a leading business school. The author asks the question what do we mean when we say some... Voir plus
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14 mars 2016 - 14:18
The struggle to stay true to your professional and personal values. The compromises that undermine your integrity. The fixation on budgets and performance  The gradual desensitisation The loss of faith in human kind due to chairing too many abuse investigations. The realisation that you have become so good at faking passion even you can't tell. The loss of street credibility Being... Voir plus
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18 nov. 2014 - 13:12
The police have been fiddling the crime figures for some time (HMIC report) but in this they are no different to other parts of the public sector. This is what happens when performance targets become the measure of success and the means to promotion.    Performance data is suppose to help managers by prompting the right questions. What are the reasons for variances in... Voir plus
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05 août 2014 - 12:06
You won't find many chief executives who will admit to hypocrisy but you will find plenty of their staff who accuse them of it. So it's interesting that  in the recently published top 100 places to work chief executives placed an emphases on values, integrity and business ethics. If chief executives think it is so important why do staff think it so rarely happens and have those in the... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:34
  It’s nothing to do with pensions or pay freezes we just think our colleagues are incompetent, appointed for their political affiliations not their ability and our ministers are blinkered and lacking in integrity or back bone. Well they didn’t use these exact words but that’s what the 14,000 civil servant, including 500 senior managers, who took part in the biggest ever survey of... Voir plus
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