Entrées avec l'étiquette management restructuring .

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28 mars 2016 - 11:40
Good team work requires everyone to play their part. Everyone knows their role, no one tries to do someone else's job, experience has taught how to respond to different situations , training has reinforced best practice, the team is well organised and as a result is effective and efficient when dealing with routine circumstances and predictable challenges. Even so it can become a sterile,... Voir plus
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22 mars 2016 - 14:15
  Passion is an over used word in local government especially in job interviews. Candidates for management posts are always "passionate" about the service, passionate about empowering staff/ citizens, passionate about choice, passionate about quality, passionate about equality but mostly just passionate. But do you need to be so passionate, is it enough to be a competent... Voir plus
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03 mars 2016 - 15:47
  Would you rather be managed by someone who has done your job all be it years ago or someone who had no experience of your work but was keen to learn? Do you think senior managers need a professional background in a service to run it properly or do you think management skills are transferable as long as managers are prepared to learn about the service and listen to experience... Voir plus
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05 oct. 2015 - 13:59
    Local Authorities under sever budget pressure and wanting to "change the culture" tend to undertake a management restructuring. They hope the disaffected and incompetent will be forced out but often they are redeployed giving some one else the problem of the square peg in a round hole    Square pegs in round holes    The restructuring interviews were a... Voir plus
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11 août 2015 - 10:58
Change fatigue leaves staff exhausted, burnt out, cynical and ineffective and makes it less likely that the organisation will successfully implement changes.   Organisation change fatigue is where a significant proportion of staff within an organisation are feeling exhausted by continual change. Organisation change fatigue or OC Fatigue is not the same as staff resistance to change,... Voir plus
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24 juil. 2014 - 11:52
  The bright idea is followed by, nothing. To misquote president Bill Clinton being a senior manager is like being in charge of a cemetery you have a lot of bodies underneath you but you can't be sure anyone is listening. He was probably having a bad day with Congress. Truman another US president described this gap between the flash and the bang as ," I sit here all day trying to... Voir plus
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19 juin 2015 - 10:30
You've read the book, you've seen the film or you've heard all about it on social media, well now ii's in the office...and its the same but different for women.  Grey suits, grey hair, grey is the colour of management. Grey comes in many shades from the gravitas of silver grey to deceit of dark gray. Like shades of gray subtle differences in management behaviour distinguish pain... Voir plus
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