Entrées avec l'étiquette organisations .

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26 juin 2024 - 08:49
We have come to expect and even demand the service in restaurant to be quick. I am not talking about fast food places I am referring a good quality restaurant not your every day eatery but somewhere you go for something special but not so special it’s a once a year event, perhaps  it’s date night. You don’t want to be rushed you have booked the table for the evening. And yet you start to... Voir plus
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23 juin 2024 - 15:28
The pool is your organisation. You know some people are doing it, you just don’t know who or why? “Can’t be bothered “, “No one will notice”, “ Every one does it”. Some even boast  about it. You need a lot of chlorine to compensate. Sometimes it is so bad it smells and stings your eyes. I think it's why some people only paddle others keep heads above water at all times.  So are HR... Voir plus
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19 mai 2024 - 10:15
I was reading an article on how important it was that employees were made to feel they belong. Whilst I agree it is a problem if people feel they don’t fit in or belong in a team or organisation I did wonder whether such articles were encouraging unrealistic expectations. We are talking about where you work, it’s not realistic to expect you will like everyone, there may well be things you are... Voir plus
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07 juil. 2021 - 10:41
 Writing in defence  of hypocrisy would be like  expressing sympathy for the devil, you’re not going to convince anyone that it’s anything other than despicable. And yet hypocrisy exists in every organisation for a very good reason. It occurs whenever decisions and actions are inconsistent or conflict with previously stated ideals, values or performance measures. This... Voir plus
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11 août 2019 - 14:47
In the 80’s trade unions were strong and managers complained about not being allowed to manage. The response was organisations get the trade union they deserve. Meaning if you treat staff in a dismissive and autocratic way, and make decisions in secret then you can expect the trade union to be distrusting, suspicious and confrontational. The equivalent of this in 2019 is emphasis... Voir plus
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