Entrées avec l'étiquette productivity .

a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
04 févr. 2024 - 14:41
My school maths text book set the following problem. If a boat being rowed by four men can cover a mile in 10 minutes how long would it take a 10 men to row the same distance? The assumption being that the more men rowing the faster the boat would travel. Yet clearly a boat that could accommodate 40 rowers would not go ten times faster than a boat with 4 rowers and cover the distance in a tenth... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
15 déc. 2016 - 14:24

null Funsultant

Has your LA engaged the services of a " funsultant" to advise on how to make the workforce more positive? Have you come across a job advert for the post of " happiness officer". If LA stood for Los Angeles rather than Local Authority then you undoubtably would be familiar with the typically wacky approach to job satisfaction and employee relations in California. Our approach may be more... Voir plus
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