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21 févr. 2017 - 16:09
The thing about the Italian way is there is no Italian way. It's an Italian thing to be different to go your own way. This means there is no model or way of doing things that can be copied in the hope of emulating success. Which explains why management consultants have focused on the Japanese way, the German way or how successful organisations do it in the USA. Japanese team work, German... Voir plus
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07 mars 2016 - 12:47
  As local authorities bring back in house services that were outsourced, as yet another chief executive says we can get better value for money in house and another council leader says this gives us more control and will save us money, does anyone else think isn't that's what they said about outsourcing ? It may not be the same chief executive who told us that this was the only way we... Voir plus
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