Entrées avec l'étiquette restructuring .

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15 févr. 2022 - 11:50
Those made redundant , relocated or required to apply for their own job  have long suspected that leaders of organisations are often guilty of change for change sake. The new chief executive wants to make their mark and what better way than a reorganisation, a modernisation, a downsizing, or a merger. This is not to deny that organisations need to respond to a fast changing world,... Voir plus
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15 juil. 2019 - 11:50
There are managers who are bullies and then there is systematic institutional harassment. In the latter HR rather than protect employees against bulling and harassment advises senior management on how to put pressure on staff in order to get rid of them. This is not about weeding out the odd incompetent employee or those not in tune with the organisations change in direction but... Voir plus
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09 janv. 2019 - 15:40
It was one of those remarks by Jose Mourinho that on first hearing you think something has been lost in translation. Never the less you turn it over in your mind because as well as being a controversial figure he is/was a very successful manager, the management gurus ,guru.  Referring to building a successful team he said,  “It’s like buying a house-there’s more to it than... Voir plus
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12 oct. 2015 - 05:57
I don't think we will have too much difficulty delivering this round of budget cuts. I have the board in my pocket.  The inspection is a formality. Can I just say thank you in advance to all those of you who are about to fill in my 360 degree feedback questionnaire  I think you will be very pleased with the new terms and conditions we are imposing it will certainly help many of you... Voir plus
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23 sept. 2015 - 11:12
Change needs to be forced through, senior managers need to ram home the message, opposition needs to be battered into submission. Resistance will not be tolerated. Why the aggressive language? Could it be that change with decreasing merits has to be increasingly imposed, that where the arguments for change are weak the intolerance of dissent is strong. As all sides weary of the fight does... Voir plus
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18 août 2015 - 09:26
  This could be the story of an local government professional, a librarian, a housing officer, a policy officer ,a finance officer, a personnel officer or an admin officer.   Tim trained as a social worker in the 80s. He went on marches in support of the miners. You wouldn't catch Tim selling the Socialist Worker in town on a Saturday. He wasn't that type of radical social... Voir plus
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20 avr. 2015 - 15:19
The public sector is being thinned, local government is being thinned, thinning creates anxiety and uncertainty, distrust and suspicion,  a constant threat of decline, alongside a sense of loss and a feeling that all is not right with the world. There is yet no end in sight of the thinning but the impact of 5 years of savage budgets cuts, redundancies, outsourcing and management... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:10
The imperitive for restructuring, downsizing or merging be it local councils or NHS Trusts looked like a boost for the careers of interim managers. After all if you are thinking of doing away with the post of Chief Executive then a temporary appointment may buy you the time you need, alternatively the type of leader you need to break up the old structure is not necessarily the person best... Voir plus
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