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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
23 janv. 2023 - 15:51
“One of the things I think I can bring to the Presidency is make  Government and public service cool again” Barrack Obama. I wish I had said this when asked at interview what I could bring to the post and organisation. If Local Authorities are to effectively tackle their recruitment and retention challenge then chief executives need to make their organisations cool again.  When I... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
25 juil. 2022 - 16:15
The image is of someone frantically bailing out a leaky boat whilst water continues to pore in through the holes in its hull. There is a lot of effort but it doesn’t  make much difference. This is what it is like trying to make the organisation more diverse by putting a lot of effort into recruitment whilst ignoring Inclusion.    The reason why diversity is championed as good for ... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
30 janv. 2022 - 15:08
Even if your employees think the organisation stinks , senior management are incompetent idiots  and the work life balance is all wrong they will stay longer if they feel their line manager values them because people leave managers not organisations. This fact is very relevant when you consider that the biggest challenge facing HR over the next year is employee retention and... Voir plus
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