Entrées avec l'étiquette senior management .

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27 nov. 2020 - 22:19
My dad dug a big whole whilst levelling the back garden and decided he would call it a swimming pool. The new build house had a steeply slopping back garden. Never one to pay someone for doing something he could do himself my dad went about moving earth , lots of it, to level it up. He took earth from the bottom of the garden and moved to the top. He started in one corner and... Voir plus
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15 oct. 2019 - 13:01
Disappointing performances, poor results, critical audits, damming inspection reports is it always the managers fault? Budget cuts remove much of the room for manoeuvre. Management restructuring results in loss of experience in critical areas. Redeployment places some square pegs in round holes. Service reorganisation, redundancies and changes in working practises impact on moral.... Voir plus
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05 janv. 2018 - 10:49
  In 1970 when studying the effects of the appearance of robots , the Japanese robotics professor   Masahiro Mori discovered something strange was going on . The more human a robot looked the more people demonstrated empathy towards it up to a certain point at which they felt a strong revulsion. When the robot was almost human people found it most disturbing. This was because... Voir plus
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16 sept. 2017 - 17:42
  Adverts for top jobs in the public sector stipulate very few requirements. Unlike the long list of essential requirements (skills,knowledge and experience) you find in average recruitment pack for a middle management post. Typically a senior manager is required to demonstrate experience of  working in a complex organisation managing a large budget and large staff group ... Voir plus
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05 sept. 2017 - 21:53
  Adverts for top jobs in the public sector stipulate very few requirements. Unlike the long list of essential requirements (skills,knowledge and experience) you find in average recruitment pack for a middle management post. Typically a senior manager is required to demonstrate experience of  working in a complex organisation managing a large budget and large staff group ... Voir plus
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27 déc. 2016 - 20:02
  Traditional recruitment practices, panel interview, presentation and trial by sherry, take a short list of suitably qualified candidates and ask members to chose the one they like best not necessarily the one most compatible with their boss. I know attempts has been made to convince members that psycho metric tests can identify and match personality traits but I have never yet... Voir plus
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03 mars 2016 - 15:47
  Would you rather be managed by someone who has done your job all be it years ago or someone who had no experience of your work but was keen to learn? Do you think senior managers need a professional background in a service to run it properly or do you think management skills are transferable as long as managers are prepared to learn about the service and listen to experience... Voir plus
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17 sept. 2015 - 18:27
Have you ever wondered why they do it? Despite their claims of noble motives the impression was that ordinary life was just too hum drum compared to the buzz and adrenaline rush of the fight. This was the commentators view on those who had left these shores to fight Isis. But the way these fighters talked was no different to the video messages sent by those they were fighting! It was all... Voir plus
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24 juil. 2014 - 11:50
. Recently I have been forced to change how I think about my time as a senior manager in local government. I was always positive at work, I believed that the teams I worked in could change things for the better, that we were improving services even at a time when we were required to make efficiency savings and budget cuts. I helped deliver a lot of reorganisations and each time I was able to... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
The snowy white peaks that range across the NHS has been the subject of recent articles in the HSJ. Those urging the NHS to have a more diverse group of leaders do so on the assumption that having more black managers in senior posts would make a difference. I am not convinced. http://www.hsj.co.uk/comment/blogs/the-drive-for-equality-and-diversity-in-the-nhs/5066023.blog
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:27
Has the harsh financial climate , the year on year budget cuts and the service reductions made managers any better at giving bad news? I had a colleague, a very out spoken member of the senior management team, opinionated on occasions abrasive who generally gave the impression of being rather fierce. It was as if he was always in a bad mood even when he wasn’t. He was very protective of his... Voir plus
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