Entrées avec l'étiquette senior managers .

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21 juil. 2022 - 08:13
  Thundering rock music,  super sonic jet fighters and a central character who is a rebel with a need for speed, Top Gun gives a lot of bangs for your bucks. But why are senior management always portrayed as out of touch, overly bureaucratic , risk adverse, stuffed shirts. I would like to see a film or t.v.series where senior management is the hero. The pitch to the commissioning... Voir plus
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24 oct. 2020 - 15:43
  They sound like a communist party slogan from the soviet era. Something like,  Trust in the party and the United workers will achieve great Progress. They are in fact the easy to remember headline words of the value statement of a small deprived midland local authority I once worked for. Helpfully the website explains what each word stands for. Trust – Shows respect, makes a... Voir plus
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24 oct. 2019 - 22:17
The average number of days lost to absenteeism in the public sector is ten days. But this figure is closer to five days for office based staff and higher for staff who have direct contact with the public. Much energy and research has gone into how LAs could reduce costly absenteeism. How do you tackle frequent short term absences, which are often very disruptive to the service and... Voir plus
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08 août 2018 - 13:44
  Even my close friends didn’t seem as happy for me as I expected. I was the first within our group to gain a senior management post. I don’t remember any of use saying we had ambitions to be a director or chief executive when we were training, it would have seem ridiculous, arrogant and hypocritical . We were after all very critical of senior management considering them as a group out of... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:33
Senior managers don’t get the sack they resign. Senior managers don’t get suspended they go on” gardening leave” or they did, now it appears they step aside. The ordinary folk may get suspended, without prejudice, whilst an investigation takes place to decide whether to dismiss on the grounds of gross misconduct but senior managers are asked to leave the office temporarily. This is because... Voir plus
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