Entrées avec l'étiquette transferable skills .

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11 juil. 2018 - 09:33
A friend has just come back from a family holiday in the south of France. They went with another couple and their children who are the same ages.  They stayed at a “gite” complete with a swimming pool and acres of wood land for the kids to explore and ride their mountain bikes. They went via the Euro Tunnel and drove down through France breaking the journey by spending the first night in... Voir plus
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27 févr. 2018 - 14:43
      We all like to think we are rational decision makers. Senior managers build their careers on their ability to put emotions and bias to one side and carefully way up the evidence arriving at a rational if not always popular decision. Of course it's rubbish we select the facts that support our beliefs, ignore the information that is inconvenient and put a... Voir plus
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28 mars 2016 - 11:40
Good team work requires everyone to play their part. Everyone knows their role, no one tries to do someone else's job, experience has taught how to respond to different situations , training has reinforced best practice, the team is well organised and as a result is effective and efficient when dealing with routine circumstances and predictable challenges. Even so it can become a sterile,... Voir plus
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03 mars 2016 - 15:47
  Would you rather be managed by someone who has done your job all be it years ago or someone who had no experience of your work but was keen to learn? Do you think senior managers need a professional background in a service to run it properly or do you think management skills are transferable as long as managers are prepared to learn about the service and listen to experience... Voir plus
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20 avr. 2015 - 15:19
The public sector is being thinned, local government is being thinned, thinning creates anxiety and uncertainty, distrust and suspicion,  a constant threat of decline, alongside a sense of loss and a feeling that all is not right with the world. There is yet no end in sight of the thinning but the impact of 5 years of savage budgets cuts, redundancies, outsourcing and management... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:32
The difficult financial climate has thrown up a new range of HR challenges.   Management is still about managing budgets and managing people, it is still about promoting good practise and challenging bad practise, it is still about managing change and getting people to do what needs to be done but budget cuts, service reductions and concern about service standards mean that there is a... Voir plus
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