Entrées avec l'étiquette values .

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06 nov. 2023 - 10:25
” How do you think you would do in prison? Wrong! You would do really , really badly. Look at you. I don’t knowhow to say this politely but you have “ Guardian reader “ written all over you. “ This is the opening statement in a Guardian review of Time a new BBC t.v. series about 3 young women in prison.  By Guardian reader I take it to mean rather idealistic, optimistic, believer in... Voir plus
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24 oct. 2020 - 15:43
  They sound like a communist party slogan from the soviet era. Something like,  Trust in the party and the United workers will achieve great Progress. They are in fact the easy to remember headline words of the value statement of a small deprived midland local authority I once worked for. Helpfully the website explains what each word stands for. Trust – Shows respect, makes a... Voir plus
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24 janv. 2017 - 12:47
    Donald Trump the new US president with a business background has appointed people to his senior posts on the bases that they are good at "doing deals". Is this a new and worrying tend in the public sector  which we are likely to follow? A worrying tend because doing deals in the commercial world is a rather murky business where ethical and moral considerations are... Voir plus
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29 avr. 2016 - 08:50
  Leaders give permission to say the wrong thing, open out as opposed to close down discussion and are prepared to manage the emotions stirred up. Leaders put the same emphasise on values as budgets and performance (and are prepared to be challenged where these appear to be in conflict for example staffing levels and budget cuts). Leaders creat opportunities for direct face to face... Voir plus
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04 nov. 2015 - 23:10
When Directors go over to the Dark side  Have you noticed the number of senior social service managers taking early retirement ,  resurfacing in the private sector trying to sell local authorities private sector solutions to health and social care issues. These managers were strong advocates of the public sector ethos who have now gone over to the " dark side".    What... Voir plus
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01 avr. 2015 - 16:29
The senior management team were experimenting with an open plan office. Senior managers were often still at a hot desk when others had gone home. So the cleaner had to clean round us. Our regular was a young girl called Helen. She told us her mother got her the job, her mother and father both worked as cleaners here in head office. She still lived at home.We progressed beyond "hello" to... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:27
Senior managers are fond of saying we need to change the culture of the organisation. They are saying it now in response to the introduction of commissioning and greater use of the private sector in the NHS. It has been repeatedly stated in Local Authorities as part of efficiency initiatives and out sourcing services. Now I hear it said in relation to the culling of posts and the focus on... Voir plus
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21 mars 2020 - 17:29
The announcement that Steve Jobs is to step down as chief executive of Apple for health reasons had an immediate impact on share prices and has prompted discussion about whether it is good for a company to be so identified with one individual. The so called cult of the chief executive is also recognised in the public sector. These are individuals who are credited with turning around... Voir plus
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