Entrées avec l'étiquette whistle blowers .

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21 août 2023 - 15:02
A football coach recently made the headlines when allegations of racists comments and behaviour were upheld . However rather than a life long ban that some had expected the disciplinary panel decided a reprimand was sufficient as they accepted the individual had not been ,”consciously racist”. After getting off with such a light punishment you might have assumed that the individual would have... Voir plus
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12 févr. 2020 - 12:26
Under what circumstances is it ok for HR to go the full Morse on an anonymous letter and how do you ensure clumsy attempts to identify the culprit don’t come over all Inspector Clouseau Recently an NHS Trust was in the news for the lengths it had gone to identify the author of an anonymous letter. These included engaging a finger print and hand writing expert. The controversy arose... Voir plus
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26 mai 2016 - 17:20
  If you want to get on don't rock the boat. Don't contradict your manager. Best avoid topics of race , faith and sexuality so as not to risk saying the wrong thing. Don't go out of your way to upset your workmates by telling tales to management. This is the unofficial culture of every organisation I have ever worked in.    This unofficial culture explains why whistleblowers... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:19
It’s not always about corruption in high places, MI5 agents who expose government cover ups or executives who uncover big businesses links with the mafia. In the public sector things tend to be less dramatic but no less traumatic for the whistleblower. In the public sector the classic whistle blower is not a chief executive but a junior member of staff and rather than a multinational... Voir plus
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