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20 avr. 2020 - 09:17
 When good fails to turn into great. When the sum of the parts isn’t greater than the whole. When a talented senior management team never quiet reaches the heights expected. Then people look at the leader. What’s missing? It’s the Don Revie effect. What they might have and should have been. Revie’s psychological flaw was his insecurity reflected In his numerous and well documented... Voir plus
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null 16138 vues
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16 avr. 2020 - 10:59
The governments of the world conspire to keep the news of the end of the world from their populations. This is the premise of a Hollywood disaster movie. Fear of panic , mass hysteria and the complete breakdown of law and order persuades governments around the world to keep the impending doom an official secret. The worlds greatest scientists race to come up with a plan to save... Voir plus
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14 avr. 2020 - 21:29
 What’s surprises me is that managers so readily recruit on talent and then spend all their time addressing defects in the individuals character when it is so much easier to coach skills and impart knowledge.
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11 avr. 2020 - 15:04
Are people looking at a lot more pornography during the lockdown  or our providers just assuming they want to? Never mind bored  house wives, it’s sexy students and shameless girls that fill my junk mail inbox. Some commentators have speculated that at the end of lockdown there will be a surge in divorce applications and a baby boom might there not also be a new audience for porn?... Voir plus
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null 18655 vues
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08 avr. 2020 - 12:41
  What has this Pandemic told us about how people behave in a crisis and how the authorities should manage that behaviour. Panic buying causing unnecessary shortages, having a big last night out before the lockdown officially starts and ignoring social distancing to go for a walk in the countryside whilst the weather is good, these all appear examples of selfish, irresponsible... Voir plus
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31 mars 2020 - 12:39
If HR staff had thought bubbles above their head when in conversation with managers then you would be able to see when they were thinking ,” you really shouldn’t be telling me this”.  1) You can’t stand one of your team If you tell a member of HR you can’t stand an individual in your team how is it going to look if at a later date that individual submits a grievance against... Voir plus
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23 mars 2020 - 15:23
If it’s no longer about money, about budget cuts or being more efficient. If it’s about being practice led rather than finance driven, if it’s about effectiveness rather than cost then one outcome of the response to Convid might be to finally make a reality of the integration of health and social care.    If hospitals are not to be overwhelmed then patients need to be moved to nursing... Voir plus
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21 mars 2020 - 18:14
A crisis is exciting. Crisis management is a series of boring meetings to plan  for something that may never happen. There are so many immediate and obvious challenges facing an organisation that very few senior managers/ chief executives/ board members get excited about joining the working group. Which explains why the person appointed to chair the group is someone who wasn’t... Voir plus
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12 mars 2020 - 17:35
Statement by leader of the council in intro to top job advert. First sentence.  What skill, wizardry and determined delivery could you add to iconic Cambridge, our international city of considerable magic?    I don’t think they are looking for a former graduate of Hogwarts. Maybe it’s the wizardry that football correspondents refer to when describing a player capable of mazy runs... Voir plus
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10 mars 2020 - 22:49
We hacked the system to show how vulnerable it was to hackers. We broke into the gallery and removed the priceless art work to show how weak the security was. We inserted an operative to show how easy it was to infiltrate the organisation.  A Tiger Team is set up to test ones own defences. A bit more aggressive than a mystery shopper or unannounced inspection /audit but with the... Voir plus
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null 20670 vues
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09 mars 2020 - 12:12
  Senior managers need the ability to hold an audience, to dominate a room, to make people feel comfortable, as opposed to uncomfortable,in their presence. It’s a skill and like any skill it can be learnt and with practice and coaching improved. So it is surprising so many senior managers neglect this aspect of their role. However things may be about to change. This area of... Voir plus
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null 20507 vues
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06 mars 2020 - 13:50

null Leavism

  How do you know your organisation’s absence management strategy is working? You might assume it was a reduction in absenteeism but this might be masking a problem with leavism. The issue of presenteeism, where employees attend work when ill rather than fall foul of the strictly enforced absence policy or in the case of senior managers concern at being seen as lacking in stamina and... Voir plus
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null 20520 vues
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02 mars 2020 - 14:43
I have never seen it written into a management JD or identified as an essential requirement in a person specification but recent events have confirmed the need for curiosity amongst senior managers. I am referring to the  inquiry into the behaviour of a rogue consultant in the NHS and the failure of those charged with protecting patients to ask questions. But it could just as easily... Voir plus
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01 mars 2020 - 09:50
The best don’t know all the answers but they know the right questions to ask. Blair Mcpherson 
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24 févr. 2020 - 14:28
Not all managers play by rules. The recruitment procedures are designed to ensure candidates are not discriminated against and managers can’t slot in their favourites. The process is designed to be fair and transparent. However the focus is often on the selection criteria and the interview. The candidates application form is measured against the person specification for the post to... Voir plus
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18 févr. 2020 - 12:23
They use to call him Frank Sinatra because he always did it his way. Trying to explain the importance of following the correct procedures whether that be in recruitment, tackling absenteeism or taking disciplinary measures was a frustrating experience. Old blue eyes didn’t ask for advice and  didn’t take it. Either that or he would go round the HR team until he receive the advice he... Voir plus
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12 févr. 2020 - 12:26
Under what circumstances is it ok for HR to go the full Morse on an anonymous letter and how do you ensure clumsy attempts to identify the culprit don’t come over all Inspector Clouseau Recently an NHS Trust was in the news for the lengths it had gone to identify the author of an anonymous letter. These included engaging a finger print and hand writing expert. The controversy arose... Voir plus
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12 févr. 2020 - 11:59
At university I had a lecture who supervised one of my placements and believed students were a good judge of their own performance. I was tipped off in advance by a student in the year above so at the end of my placement I was not surprised to be asked what grade I thought I should receive. I had prepared my answer and my rational in advance. I confidently stated my performance... Voir plus
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null 18712 vues
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12 févr. 2020 - 17:43

null Winning 

It’s brutal, wrong and dangerous. It’s cheating but if you can get away with it, bending the rules is all part of the game. This is not new no but it’s is a new and disturbing low.   Blair Mcpherson former Director, author and blogger 
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03 févr. 2020 - 11:52
Here’s some advice I read in the news paper recently. “ Don’t quote The Office without explaining the context”. From my recent experience even providing the context won’t stop some people being offended. I recently wrote an article on this web site about the reaction of some views to the karaoke scene in the  Gavin and Stacy Christmas special. My point was those complaining were... Voir plus
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null 21130 vues