a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
02 avr. 2020 - 07:52
This time last year very few people would have expected this. From the bustle of people going about their lives meeting with others, commuting to work and school each day, travelling up and down the country and overseas, and experiencing the atmosphere of crowds at special events. And now this. The contrast is stark. We are caged up at home like pets, let out once a day for exercise... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
02 mars 2019 - 08:12
The pain was excruciating. Even moving two metres to the bathroom was a huge struggle. I was lying in a hospital bed with complications after leg surgery and getting up was a big deal. My leg was cramped in a bent position and I wasn’t able to straighten it.   But more than that. I was confused and discouraged. I didn’t know what the problem was. And I didn’t know what needed to happen... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
28 nov. 2017 - 09:39
I have a wee secret to tell. I used to lie on the forms. Those health and safety forms for joining students on a school trip asking for my level of swimming ability. Out of four options: can’t swim; beginner; competent; advanced - I would select beginner. And it was a lie. I could not swim at all. Not even a single stroke. I just couldn’t bring myself to admit I was not able to... Voir plus
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