Entrées avec l'étiquette fault reporting .

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05 oct. 2015 - 10:24
Today I will be having a discussion with some other local authorities about Highways Fault Reporting. Fault Reporting is a transaction between a citizen and a local authority which is essentially a request for a service. That could include clearing debris in a street, fixing a streetlight, filling a pothole. These requests vary. It extends to requests for whole roads to be resurfaced. We are... Voir plus
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23 déc. 2014 - 16:24
One of the things I've been doing this year is improving Hertfordshire's fault reporting system. The changes have been subtle rather than really big. The main landing page has seen the most changes. Users essentially have two options here- they can log a fault or they can check the progress of a reported fault. At the beginning of the year the 'check a fault' page link was too... Voir plus
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12 sept. 2014 - 14:17
This week saw the re-launch for an App that is intended to make it easier for motorists to report potholes and other 'nuisance' issues. The RAC App is make by Streetrepairs, a website to channel road faults to local authorities. It is one of a number of sites setup to ‘help the motorist’ such as fixmystreet and mr-pothole.co.uk- the latter has created streetrepairs. But does it really... Voir plus
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