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We want to make the UK Civil Service a great place to work for introverts.

Between a third and half of the population are introverts, who draw their energy from reflection and quiet. But our society often values outgoing, sociable personalities over quieter people.

Many introverts find the workplace a difficult and draining environment, and find it hard to get their voices heard. Yet introverts often possess great strengths like calm, empathy, tenacity and focus, that are increasingly vital in the workplace.

The Cross-Government Introverts Network aims to:

- raise awareness and understanding of introversion
- show the power of introverts, introverted leadership and introvert-friendly working
- foster better understanding between introverts and extroverts
- build a supportive community that helps develop introverts

Help us spread the word by sharing the network with your friends and colleagues.


Select 'Log in' (top right) and then 'Sign up' to join the group.

Please use your government email address, to verify that you work in government.

Between a third and half of the population are introverts, who draw their energy from reflection and quiet. But our society often values outgoing, sociable personalities over quieter people.

Many introverts find the workplace a difficult and draining environment, and find it hard to get their voices heard. Yet introverts often have great strengths like calm, empathy, tenacity and focus, that are increasingly vital in the workplace.

Share your experiences, tips and useful resources. And please help us to spread the word by sharing the network with your friends and colleagues.

You can also follow @XGovIntroverts on Twitter.